Page 145 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 145

141 |                                                             Badr, Murdas & Aldhahab

       Fig. 7. The suggested antenna array [34].                  Fig. 8. The layout of the 8×8 array of microstrip patch
                                                                  antenna [39].

bands (2.4 GHz to 7.1 GHz). This study provides a detailed        antenna with spacing between each antenna element designed
explanation of the substrate selection, design limitations, fab-  for ISM and K Band applications as shown in Fig.8.
rication procedure, and bending test of the proposed flexible      In [40], a modified meander form microstrip patch antenna
(UWB) antenna. A constructed antenna has been simulated           for Internet of Things applications (IoT) in the (2.4 GHz ISM)
using computer simulation and the proposed antenna was suit-      with Commercial, Research, and Health bands was designed.
able for wearable electrical and biological applications due      The selected performance of the antenna combined with IoT
to its flexible nature, wide frequency bands of operation, and    sensors and a (2.4) GHz radio frequency module was used
strong bending performance. A wearable antenna can be used        for the simulation process. It has been performed effectively
for communications like mobile computing, public safety,          in IoT applications due to its small size and high fractional
tracking, and navigation as well as biomedical applications       bandwidth.
like cancer detection and heart attack detection.

In [38], wearable antenna types that work in the (2.4-2.5 GHz)    B. Optical Nanoantennas Applications
of ISM bands frequency range were designed using Textile
materials like silk, polycot, and denim to construct the sub-     The nanotechnology applied in medical systems employs a
strates of these antennas. The employed antennas are used for     variety of downsizing merits to reduce the size of the antennas
both on- and off-body communication applications as well as       attached to the human body. Combining optical spectroscopic
biomedical ones. Experimental analysis was used to establish      and nanotechnology components was used in the rapidly grow-
the return loss, radiation, and impedance characteristics of the  ing field of nanotechnology in modern medical communica-
antennas for both the human phantom model and free space          tion fields [41]. These fields include immune system support,
settings. The experimental study of the employed antennas in      bio-hybrid implants, drug delivery systems, health monitoring,
this work showed that the antenna has a specific absorption       and genetic engineering which are involved in healthcare and
rate of less than (1 W/Kg), indicating resistance to loading by   intra-body health monitoring and medicine delivery systems.
human tissue. The outcomes of return loss, radiation pattern,     The field of an optical nanoantenna is a rapidly evolving one
gain, and directivity metrics for each of the applied antenna     via the nanotechnology field and the optical nanoantennas are
designs are all in the desired range. In [39], demonstrated       formulated, and important characteristics pertinent to these
antenna has higher gain, better return loss, and an accept-       structures are recognized. Metal and dielectric nanoanten-
able level of voltage standing wave ratio values, for each        nas are created and addressed as a class of optical antennae.
bandwidth, making it useful for medical applications. The         In [41], metallic nanoparticles made of silver were used to
proposed antenna operated at frequencies (22.99/24.24/26.35)      create bow-tie (triangular) nanoantennas, which operate in
GHz with bandwidths of (0.287 GHz, 0.327 GHz, and 0.767)          the optical spectrum. In contrast to dipole antennas, bow-tie
GHz respectively. It used an (8 × 8) microstrip array patch       antennas are preferred because they have a larger bandwidth
                                                                  and more flexible optical spectra. The employing of the sug-
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