Page 142 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 142

138 |                                                             Badr, Murdas & Aldhahab

                                                                  Fig. 2. Implementation of the wearable antenna on the skin of
                                                                  the human body [18].

Fig. 1. The Microstrip Patch Antenna Basic Shapes and The         munication systems and has received interesting attention in
Feeding Methods [5].                                              several research in nano-antenna applications [11, 12]. The
                                                                  design of optical antennas in physical optics is still in progress.
the object based on the merits of nanotechnology that allow       It has been projected to be a substitute device for detection
a lot of domains in manipulating materials on nanoscale di-       in the millimeter, infrared, and visible regimes. The fabri-
mensions [5]. Some medical applications deal with different       cation process of optical antennas has been necessitated to
antenna configurations, such as microstrip antennae and opti-     employ based on the featured characteristics of nanostructured
cal nanoantenna in conjugate with sensing elements, control-      material leading to potential advantages in the detection of
ling units, and monitoring instruments to maintain a specified    light, including polarization dependency, the ability of tun-
healthcare system. Much research and development has gone         ning, and high-speed response [13–15]. Both microstrip patch
into the planar antennas known as microstrip antennas and         antennas and optical nanoantennas can be implemented in
has found extensive use in commercial and medical wireless        medical systems incorporation with human body sensors to
communication applications [2–5]. One of the most common          provide a safer and more beneficial manner for human body
types of microstrip antenna is known as a patch antenna made      scanning [16–18]. They can be used in some medical appli-
of various shapes like rectangular, circular, or diamond as       cations to send information about the human body status as
shown in Fig 1.                                                   bio-signals to the external device invoked in the measurement
                                                                  readout unit. These data will be displayed in the monitoring
    These configurations of microstrip patch antennae can be      unit to allow analysis and diagnosis of the collected received
made of several materials such as copper, silver, and gold as     information of the patient by medical experts as shown in Fig.
well as composite materials with proper technology to con-        2.
struct the required antenna used in medical applications and
the design steps of an optical antenna and microstrip patch an-       It must be taken into account that the design of the medical
tennas require specific procedures that must be implemented       communication system merged with the antenna required
in the scaled-down [6, 7]. It can be noted that microstrip patch  several parameters such as the patient’s safety, the compact
antennae are frequently used in portable wireless communi-        size of the employed antenna, the electrical properties of
cation devices due to their special advantages of miniature,      the antenna as well as the biocompatibility process [18, 19],
conformal, and low-cost characteristics besides their com-        Moreover, the overall size and weight of the applied antenna
pactness and simplicity of construction. Different antenna        represent the major factor in setting up the bio-integrated
configurations based on nanotechnology merits offer a lot of      electronics devices for detecting either biological skin, tissue,
domains in manipulating materials on nanoscale dimensions         or organs of the human body [20]. These factors can be
made of metallic structures capable of enhancing the opti-        considered the basic factors in selecting the required antenna
cal radiation of antenna interaction with the object [6–10].      model to design a biocompatible antenna that interferes with
In contrast to conventional antennas that seem like elements      the human body. In several cases, the antenna in many medical
connected throughout a feeding circuit, an optical antenna        systems can be placed in touch with the skin as shown in Fig.3.
converts the energy from free propagating radiation to posi-
tional energy and vice versa object [11]. It operates in the          Although radio antennas were widely used as a major
optical frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum and       part of medical communication systems, the invention of opti-
manages electromagnetic waves. This type of antenna has           cal antennas can allow a considerable opportunity to design
been attractive and trendier in recent years in various com-      medical systems based on nanotechnology design to gain the
                                                                  benefit of biosensing emerging with bio-nano actuation [21].
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