Page 143 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 143
139 | Badr, Murdas & Aldhahab
nano and microstrip antenna structures and their application
in medical apparatus. Along with a general review of the
many configurations of employed antennas that are used to
diagnose illnesses and treat patients, Section II. also discusses
the various techniques of implemented antennas in medical
systems and connected to health care communication systems.
Section III. provides the outcomes for the antennas used in
various medical communication systems. In Section IV. , the
manuscript is concluded.
Fig. 3. Modeling of wearable communication channels using II. SOME APPLICATIONS OF ANTENNA IN
a multilayer cascade of skin tissue [19] MEDICAL SYSTEMS
The new era of the Internet and telecommunications is being As indicated in the preceding section, the idea of medical
advanced by the advancement of communication devices and applications systems using various antenna configurations has
wireless network technologies. Every physical object on the attracted interest from a range of literary and scientific do-
earth, including communication equipment, will also be con- mains. The antennas were important in these applications,
nected to the Internet and managed through sensor networks and several kinds of literature were carried out in the medical
with antennae for the various ”things” [21, 22]. The nanoan- systems to enhance the performance of the antenna and get
tenna plays an important role in this system and emerged with the best results involving issues of miniaturization, biocom-
an appropriate controller unit to deliver communicated infor- patibility, and patient safety as shown in the following.
mation data about individuals and analytics have been used
by various domains of objectives in the healthcare system as A. Applications of Microstrip Patch Antennas
shown in Fig.4. Many medical applications might be regarded as the fastest-
growing use of industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) fre-
The need for a higher range of bandwidth and bit rates in quency bands that have been short-range and low-power wire-
recent communication systems motivated many researchers less communications systems [26]. Considerations for these
to attempt to design nanoantennas using materials with spe- antennas must take into account a variety of factors, includ-
cial characteristics, such as graphene, and using the graphene ing variations in the dielectric characteristics of human tis-
characteristics which make them suitable for optical commu- sue, which have an impact on antenna performance, and the
nications and sensing applications [23], [24]. The collected specific factor for patient safety systems [27]. In [26] both
results from these studies offer a quantitative description of off-body (free space with room temperature) and on-body
the antenna’s operation and a helpful tool for analyzing the (human arm and human chest) scenarios using the microstrip
design of microstrip patch antennas and optical nanoantennas patch antenna functions in the (ISM) band with a resonant fre-
in medical systems [25].Due to the importance of an antenna quency of (2.45 GHz) were employed. A rectangular-shaped
in medical systems, this survey is devoted to discussing the nickel-copper ripstop conductive textile material was provided
many configurations and technologies utilized for constructing along with a microstrip patch denim textile antenna for use
in the suggested medical applications. To ensure that the
Fig. 4. The antenna in IoNT architecture [21]. employed wearable antenna system meets the human body’s
safety recommendations, the antenna’s operation at the chosen
frequency bands was simulated and tested via a computer soft-
ware package. In [27], an ultra-wideband antenna design for
use in microwave medical imaging applications was presented.
The proposed antenna was simulated to gain lower return loss
and measurement results are analyzed and discussed which
is regarded as appropriate for imaging applications. In [28]a
dual-band flexible folded-shorted patch antenna for wearable
applications was demonstrated. Flexible polydimethylsilox-
ane material was chosen as the substrate for the proposed
antenna due to its affordability and suitability for wearable
applications. In this work, the suggested antenna operates at