Page 141 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 141

Received: 16 July 2023 | Revised: 5 October 2023 | Accepted: 5 November 2023

DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.20.2.12                                      Vol. 20 | Issue 2 | December 2024

                                                                              Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Review Article

   Medical Communication Systems Utilizing Optical

          Nanoantenna and Microstrip Technology

                                           Munaf Fathi Badr*1, Ibrahim A. Murdas2, Ahmed Aldhahab2
                               1Mechanical Department, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq

                                  2Electrical Department, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq

*Munaf Fathi Badr
College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq

  Many technical approaches were implemented in the antenna manufacturing process to maintain the desired miniaturiza-
  tion of the size of the antenna model which can be employed in various applied systems such as medical communication
  systems. Furthermore, over the past several years, nanotechnology science has rapidly grown in a wide variety of
  applications, which has given rise to novel ideas in the design of antennas based on nanoscale merits, leading to the use
  of antennae as an essential linkage between the human body and the different apparatus of the medical communication
  system. Some medical applications dealt with different antenna configurations, such as microstrip patch antenna or
  optical nanoantenna in conjugate with sensing elements, controlling units, and monitoring instruments to maintain a
  specified healthcare system. This study summarizes and presents a brief review of the recent applications of antennas in
  different medical communication systems involving highlights, and drawbacks with explores recommended issues related
  to using antennas in medical treatment.

  Microstrip patch antennas, Nanotechnology, Optical Nanoantennas, Medical Systems.

                  I. INTRODUCTION                                transmitting or receiving radio waves that serve as a bridge
                                                                 between free space and a guiding mechanism in radio engi-
The word antenna was first introduced in the fifteenth century   neering applications. Conventional antennas are widely used
as a compilation of Aristotle’s writings and used to assign a    in a variety of communication systems with different prop-
lateen’s sailing yard including those of tents or ships [1]. It  erties and configurations such as active loop antennas, horn
referred to the “Greek” word “Kerala” related to the “horns”     antennas, mono loop antennas, wide pole antennas, and correc-
of insects and derived from the Latin language antenna which     tion antennas [3]. The huge development in communication
combines the prefix ‘an’ which means ‘up’ and the Indo-          apparatuses results in conventional antennas becoming unable
European root ten meaning ‘to stretch’ to point to various       to respond to these enlarged requirements and increasing de-
kinds of posts. In the late nineteenth century, the scientist    mands of high-speed communication systems, so different
Marconi presented the term antenna in the context of his first   engineering techniques of manufacturing antennas employ-
wireless communication invention while performing wireless       ing different industrial technologies such as nanotechnology
radio apparatus [2]. In his experiment, the antenna was rep-     were carried out to realize the required performance of the
resented by an elevated sheet made of copper and connected       communication systems [4]. Different antenna configurations
to a Righi spark gap that was powered by an inductive coil       in the field of nanoantenna technology can be categorized as
via a telegraph key on-off switch to spell out text messages     nanometer-scale antennae made of metallic structures that are
in Morse code [1]. With the rapid evolution in the aspects       capable of enhancing the optical radiation interaction with
of modern life; An antenna was defined as a device used for

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©2024 The Authors.
Published by Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering | College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                        | 137
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