Page 103 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 103
Al-Flehawee & Al-Mayyahi | 99
optimization problem using Sequential Quadratic Star
Programming Algorithm (SQP), the following is an t
explanation of the SQP algorithm.
Initial guess
The SQP algorithm is considered one of the most ???(????), ?????(????)
important and successful methods for solving numerical
constrained nonlinear optimization problems[27].This
algorithm is based on forming the sub-problem of Quadratic
Programming (QP) at each main iteration and using the
resulting solution from this sub-problem to form the QP sub-
problem at the subsequent iteration[28], where Fig.5 shows
the flowchart of this algorithm. In general, this algorithm
transforms a constrained nonlinear optimization problem
into a series of successive iterations of quadratic
programming (QP) sub-problems[29]. The basis of this Update ???? using
algorithm is solving the nonlinear equations of the Karush-
Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions equation of the
constrained nonlinear optimization problems using Newton's
numerical methods to solve these equations. Where it was
found that this basis corresponds to solving the result of
generating the sub-problem of Quadratic Programming (QP) Solve QP sub-
problem using
iteratively, that is, at each iteration[27]. active set strategy
To implement the SQP algorithm for the following
constrained nonlinear optimization problem:-
Find ?? which minimizes ??(??) (31)
Subject to
????(??) = 0 (i = 1, . . . , me) Update Ye
?? s End
????(??) = 0 (i = me + 1, . . . , m) = ?? + 1 Convergen
Where me and m are the number of equality constraints and
number of constraints of the problem respectively. The o
Find ???? that
Quadratic Programming (QP) sub-problem of this problem achieves a
decrease the merit
at k iteration is formulated as:- function
???????? 1 ?? ?? ???? ?? + ??? (???? )?? ?? (32)
???(????)???? + ????(????) = 0
(i = 1, . . . , me)
???(????)???? + ????(????) = 0 (i = me + 1, … , m)
Where S is search direction. As it is clear that the QP sub- Set
????+1 = ???? + ????????
problem () needs to find B_k, which is positive definite the
approximate Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian function,
??(??, ??) = ??(??) + ????=? ?? ???? · ????(??) (33)
Where ???? is the Lagrange multiplier. The QP sub- Fig.5: Flowchart of the SQP algorithm.
problem also needs to make nonlinear constraints linear
Where the step length parameter ???? is chosen in a way that
achieves a decrease in the following merit function[27]:-
using the Taylor series approximation. ?(??) = ??(??) +
In the non-linear MPC control block, the QP sub-problem ??m?=e??(???? · ????(??)) ?m??=me+??(???? · ??????[0, ????(??)]) (35)
is solved using the active set strategy which needs an initial Where ???? is the penalty parameter:-
guess feasible for the QP sub-problem to find the direction ???? = (????+1)?? = ???????? {???? , (????)??+????} (i = 1, . . . , m) (36)
of the search at the current iteration???? and in addition to 2
finding Lagrange multipliers????, this solution contributes to
The initial values of the penalty parameters ????:-
the formation of the next iteration as shown below[30][31]:- ????(??)?
???? = ??????(??)? (37)
????+1 = ???? + ???????? (34)
As for ??, it is updated at major iterations using the
Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno (BFGS) method as
shown in the following equation[27][30]:-