Page 102 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 102

98 |                                                                                                           Al-Flehawee & Al-Mayyahi

                          ????????h(??????h - ???????? )                 Where:-
                                                                              ??1 to ??????are dynamic states functions of the model,
            G(??, ??) = [???????? (?????? - ????????)]                         ??1to ?????? are states variables of the model,
                                ??????(???? ?)                                 ??1to ?????? are manipulated variables of the model.

Where????????, ???????? are the required speed of the vehicle and        2. The outputs functions for a nonlinear prediction model
                                                                               are vehicle velocity (km/h) is defined by (4), and SOC
the desired value of the SOC respectively, ????????h, ???????? and             is represented by the third state variable. An analytical
                                                                               Jacobian was also used to improve the efficiency of the
?????? are penalty weights. While the fuel flow rate equation                  computational.
(???? ?) is described in (13).
                                                                         3. The non-linear MPC controller block needs to define a
The cost function of the series-parallel HEV is formulated in                  cost function that represents the objectives for which
                                                                               the controller is built or to be achieved by the controller.
discrete-time form as:-                                                        The cost function of any study when using a nonlinear
                                                                               MPC controller block can be represented by either
?? = ?????=??0-1((????????h(??????h(?? + ?? + 1) - ????????)2 +                using the standard cost function that consists of four
(????????(?????? (?? + ?? + 1) - ????????)2 + (??????(???? ?(?? + ?? +         terms where each term describes an aspect of the
                                                                               controller performance as shown in the following
1)))2)                                                     (28)                equation:-
                                                                               ??(????) = ????(????) + ????(????) + ??????(????) + ????(????) (30)
Where: - ?? is represented sampling time.                                      Where the standard cost function terms are output
                                                                               reference tracking ????(????) , manipulated variable
B. Building NMPC control strategy for series-parallel                          tracking ????(????) , manipulated variable move
                                                                               suppression ??????(????) , and constraint violation ????(????)
HEV by using the non-linear MPC control block                                  respectively. If the standard cost function cannot
                                                                               represent the cost function of a particular study, a
A series-parallel HEV model was created using MATLAB                           function called the custom cost function can be built so
                                                                               that it contains terms that are not present in the standard
whose controller was built based on the NMPC control                           cost function. Sometimes it is required to combine the
                                                                               standard cost function and a custom cost function to
strategy using the non-linear MPC control block provided in                    represent the control cost function. In this study, both
                                                                               the standard cost function and the assigned cost
the MPC Toolbox in MATLAB SIMULINK®. This block is                             function are used to express the cost function of the
                                                                               series-parallel HEV shown in (28) is expressed by
based on calculating the optimal control trajectory over the                   dividing it into two parts. The first part of the cost
                                                                               function illustrates making the vehicle move at the
prediction horizon ( ???? ) by solving the nonlinear                           desired speed while maintaining the state of the charge
                                                                               of the battery at the desired value, which is represented
optimization problem which includes the nonlinear objective                    by the first term of the standard cost function, which is
                                                                               called output reference tracking. The rest of the terms
function subject to the nonlinear predictions of the future                    of the standard cost function are eliminated by making
                                                                               the penalty weight zero for each of them. While the
behavior of the plant and physical constraints of the plant. To                second part of the cost function explains minimizing
                                                                               fuel consumption as it is represented by the custom cost
implement this block, the number of the state variables,                       function, which is the fuel flow rate equation (17).

inputs control, and outputs concerning the predictive model                4. Define the physical constraints of the system, which
                                                                               consist of the standard bounds on states, inputs, and
of the plant is defined. In this study, the predictive model of                outputs as shown in (27). While the equality and
                                                                               inequality of custom constraints were not used in this
the plant contains [26]:-                                                      study.

? Three state variables, which are the engine speed ????                     After providing the previously mentioned requirements
     (rad/sec), motor speed ???? (rad/sec), and SOC.                     for the design or construction of a nonlinear MPC control
                                                                         block for the series-parallel HEV, this block calculates at
? Three inputs, which are the engine torque ???? (N.m),                  each sampling step the optimal control inputs (engine
     motor torque????(N.m), and generator torque????(N.m)                torque????, motor torque ????, generator torque????). The optimal
                                                                         control input is the solution of the nonlinear optimization
? Two outputs, which are Vehicle velocity (km/h), and                    problem represented by the cost function (28) subject to (26)
                                                                         and (26) but after formulating both (26) and (27) in the form
      SOC.                                                               of a discrete time as shown in (21) and (22) respectively.
                                                                         Where the nonlinear MPC controllers solve the nonlinear
      After defining the number of variables related to the

predictive model of the series-parallel HEV the following

will be specified:-

1. The dynamic states functions (time derivative of state

      functions) for a nonlinear prediction model, where the

      dynamic state equations in this study are motor speed

      ??? ?? (rad/sec), engine speed ??? ?? (rad/sec), and the state of
      charge ????? ?? of the battery as shown in (9), (10), and

      (16) respectively. The computational efficiency of the

      controller becomes better when using an analytical

      Jacobian for dynamic states functions, and when not

      using an analytical Jacobian, the controller calculates

      the Jacobian by numerical perturbation. The Jacobian of

      the state functions are[26]:-

                                  ????1 ? ????1
                                  ????1        ????????
            ???? ??  =  ????  =             ?
                        ????       ?        ?    ? , and

                                  ????????     ????????

                                 [ ????1       ???????? ]

                                  ????1 ? ????1
                                  ????1        ????????
            ??????   =   ????  =            ?              (29)
                         ????      ?        ?    ?

                                  ????????     ????????

                                  [ ????1      ???????? ]
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