Page 101 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 101

Al-Flehawee & Al-Mayyahi                                                                                                                                 | 97

[24].Where the standard NMPC algorithm procedures are as                 V. NMPC CONTROL STRATEGY FOR SERIES-
                                                                                             PARALLEL HEV
follows [20]:-

? At each sampling step, use the current values of optimal                 In this study, the NMPC control strategy, which is one of
                                                                         the energy management strategies for hybrid electric
control inputs (MVs) and measure or estimate the current                 vehicles, was chosen, as this strategy works to accomplish
                                                                         the tasks of the series-parallel HEV controller, and this
values of the system state variables to use all these values to          strategy is built by formulating the optimization problem and
                                                                         solving it in one of the methods of mathematical
predict the future behavior of the plant across the prediction           optimization. The optimization problem includes the cost
                                                                         function subject to the nonlinear prediction model and
horizon. Calculate the open-loop optimal control from                    physical constraints of the vehicle, where the cost function
                                                                         represents the objectives to be achieved by this strategy. In
solving the optimization problem that is subject to dynamics             this study, the non-linear MPC control block was chosen to
                                                                         build and implement this strategy on the series-parallel HEV.
of the system and constraints of the input and state over the            The following is explained how to build the cost function and
prediction horizon????.                                                  the non-linear MPC control

? Calculate the optimal control inputs trajectory by solving               A. Formulation of the Optimization Problem for a Series-
                                                                           Parallel HEV
the optimization problem, where the optimization problem is

the cost function subject to predictions of the future behavior

of the plant in addition to the physical constraints of the


? Implement the first part of the optimal control inputs

trajectory until the next sampling instant.

? Continue with step (1) when the next sampling step is

reached.                                                                 The optimization problem includes the cost function that

In the MPC algorithm, the prediction trajectories for the                represents the objectives to be achieved by the vehicle, and

state variables of the plant and the plant output are a linear           the cost function is subject to the predictions of the plant

function of both the current state variable and the optimal              model that represents the equality constraints of the cost

control input used in the current sampling step. Therefore,              function. These predictions are obtained through the

the solution of the optimization problem deals with the                  application of the mathematical model that describes the

solvers that are efficient and high-performance. While the               work of the vehicle based on the current values of the state

NMPC algorithm, the prediction trajectories for the state                variable and optimal control inputs (MVs) of the vehicle. The

variables and outputs of the plant are a nonlinear function for          cost function is also subject to the physical constraints of the

the current state variable and the optimal control input used            vehicle that represents the inequality constraints of the cost

at the current sampling step. Thus the optimization problem              function. In this study, the cost function of the series-parallel

becomes a nonlinear optimization problem and also known                  HEV is formulated to minimize fuel consumption while

as nonlinear programming (NLP) problems, which needs a                   ensuring that the vehicle can move at the speed required by

different approach (solvers) than in the MPC algorithm and               the driver and maintain the state of the charge of the battery

where it is more computationally complex [25].                           at the desired value. The optimization problem of the series-

In NMPC the optimization problem is solved at every                      parallel HEV is shown in the following equations:-

sampling step, which is represented by the cost function and                             ??????  ??  =       ????(??, ??)?2????
the inequality and equality constraints as shown in below:-                                                                                              (25)

                    ??????  ??  =  F[??(??), ??(??)]               (18)  Subject to

Subject to the following inequality constraints:                         1. Equality constraints:

        ???????? > ??(?? + ?? |??) > ????????, 0 > ?? > ???? - 1 (19)                                {?????  =  ??(??,  ??)                              (26)
                                                                                                             =  ??(??,  ??)
          ???????? > ??(?? + ?? |??) > ????????, 1 > ?? > ????     (20)
In addition, the equality constraints:
        ??(?? + ?? + 1|??) = ??[??(?? + ?? |??), ??(?? + ??|??)],               ????             ?? = [????],                      ?? = [???????????h?]
                                                                         ?? = [ ???? ],
0 > ?? > ???? - 1,                                                 (21)                                 ????
        ??(?? + ?? |??) = h[??(?? + ??|??)] , 1 > ?? > ???? (22)

Where:-                                                                  are the vectors of state, control inputs and tracking outputs

? ??(?? + 1|??), ??(?? + 1|??) are the state variable and                respectively.

optimal control input predicted at time ?? + 1 from                      2. inequality constraints:
                                                                                       ???????????? = ?????? = ????????????
measurements of the process model at time ??
                                                                                         ?????????? = ???? = ??????????
    respectively.                                                                        ?????????? = ???? = ??????????
? ??(??) ?????? ??(??) are the optimal control inputs and                                                                                                (27)

outputs predicted from the process measurements                                                  ?????????? = ???? = ??????????
                                                                                         ?????????? = ???? = ??????????
of the model at time ?? respectively.                                                            ????? ????? = ???? = ????? ?????

                                ??(??) =                                                 ????????h???? = ??????h = ????????h????
[??(??|??),?? ??(?? + 1|??)??, … . , ??(?? + ???? - 1|??)??]
                                                                   (23)  Where the superscripts "min" and "max" denote the lower
                                ??(??) =                           (24)
[??(??|??),?? ??(?? + 1|??)??, … . , ??(?? + ???? |??)??]                and upper bounds of the parameters.

                                                                         In (21) the integrand G(??, ??) is defined as:-
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