Page 104 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 104

100 |                                                                                                                     Al-Flehawee & Al-Mayyahi

       ????+1         =  ????        +  ??????????  -  ???? ????????????????  (38)  respectively, and also need to determine their Jacobian
                                        ??????????       ??????????????             equations using (29). Also, this block needs the output
                                                                                    equations of the nonlinear plant model (the vehicle velocity
Where                                                                               and ??????) and their Jacobian equations are determined by the
                                                                                    following (29). In addition to setting the constraints for each
???? = ????+1 - ????                                                          (39)  of the state variables, the manipulated variables (MVs), and
                                                                                    the output variables, as in (27). The second block also needs
???? = (???(????+1) + ????=? 1 ???? · ?????(????+1)) - (???(????) +                 the values of the manipulated variables from the previous
                                                                                    sampling step and the values of the state variables received
       ????=? 1 ???? · ?????(????))                                           (40)  by the third block for the purpose of finding the optimal
                                                                                    torques values for each of the engine, motor, and generator
Since the solution of a nonlinear optimization problem                              to apply them to the third block, which represents the vehicle
                                                                                    model (the powertrain and vehicle dynamic equations).
has many solutions, it is difficult to find a solution to this
                                                                                        The aim of this simulation is to study the possibility of
problem unless we start with guess points that fall within the                      making the vehicle drive the required speed and also make
                                                                                    the state of charge of the battery at the desired value, and that
feasible solution regions that enable the SQP algorithm to                          this is all done with minimal fuel consumption To
                                                                                    accomplish this, we construct the objective function as
make the first iteration to solve the optimization problem. In                      shown in (28), since the objective function is composed of
                                                                                    two parts where the first part of the objective function is
subsequent iterations, the predicted state variables and the                        represented by the first part of the standard cost
                                                                                    function(30), which is called output reference tracking. In
optimal control inputs (control interval) from the previous                         order to implement this part, the reference values for each of
                                                                                    the outputs variables (vehicle speed and SOC) are received
step act as initial guesses for solving the optimization                            from the first block and the weight coefficients of the output
                                                                                    variables are determined where the values 100 and 200 are
problem at that iteration. This is why feedback is built for                        chosen for each of the weight coefficients for the output
                                                                                    variables (vehicle speed and SOC) respectively. As for the
this block, as shown in Fig.2. So when starting to solve a                          second part of the objective function, it is the custom cost
                                                                                    function shown in (17).
series-parallel HEV optimization problem, the guess torque
                                                                                      After completing the simulation of the series-parallel HEV
values of the vehicle's energy converters are chosen and                            model, the results obtained were good because the vehicle
                                                                                    control unit was able to achieve the desired objectives. Fig.6
these values should be determined within the possible                               shows the state variables are the engine speed ???? (rad/sec),
                                                                                    motor speed ???? (rad/sec), and SOC. where it is observed
solution regions.                                                                   that the state variable SOC changes between two values
                                                                                    (65.2%) and (64%) during the driving cycle and this is a good
                   VII. SIMULATION RESULTS                                          result in tracking the desired value (65%), and this change is
                                                                                    considered a small, insignificant change. While the outputs
    The model of the series-parallel HEV with the                                   of the control unit are the optimal values of the manipulated
specifications mentioned in Table I was built and simulated                         variables (MVs) (engine torque (Nm), motor torque (Nm),
using the MATLAB / Simulink (2019b) environment. As                                 and generator torque (Nm)) which are obtained by solving
mentioned previously, this vehicle model consists of three                          the optimization problem (minimizing the cost function
blocks. The first block values represent the reference values                       subject to the nonlinear prediction model and physical
or the values to be achieved by the outputs of this vehicle                         constraints of the vehicle). Where Fig.7 represents these
model, where the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) was
chosen to represent the required speed of the vehicle during                                       Fig.6: The state variables trajectory
the vehicle's trip. As for the second reference value, it is the                    these optimal values that are applied to the engine, motor,
SOC value, which represents the value required for the state                        and generator to drive the vehicle in order to achieve
of charge of the batteries during this trip, as this value was                      tracking of each of the reference values of the vehicle speed
chosen to be 65% of the full value of the charging state of the
batteries. Where this SOC value allows the battery to store
the vehicle's kinetic energy captured from the vehicle's
deceleration, as well as the possibility to equip the motor
with electrical energy[32].

    The second block, which represents the control unit of the
series-parallel HEV model, was created by MATLAB Model
Predictive Control toolbox using a nonlinear MPC controller
block. This block needs to specify the number of the state
variables, the manipulated variables, and the outputs where
in this study are 3, 2, and 3 respectively, it also needs to
specify the controller sample time, prediction horizon, and
control horizon are determined by the following values 0.1
sec, 10, and 5 respectively. When creating the Nonlinear
MPC controller block, a mathematical model to represent a
series-parallel HEV is required to predict the vehicle's future
behavior, where this model includes the engine speed ????
(rad/sec), motor speed ???? (rad/sec), and SOC are designated
as the state variables. While the engine torque ???? (N.m),
motor torque ????(N.m), and generator torque ????(N.m) are set
as manipulated variables (MVs), and each the vehicle
velocity (km/h) and SOC are the plant outputs.

    To implement the Nonlinear MPC controller block needs
to define the state equations of the nonlinear plant model
( ??? ?? , ??? ?? , and ????? ?? ) which are (9), (10), and (16)
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