Page 99 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 99

Al-Flehawee & Al-Mayyahi                                                                                                                              | 95

? The block of powertrain and vehicle dynamic:-This block                    ???? Motor torque                                                        Nm
    includes the dynamic equations that express the vehicle                  ???? Generator torque                                                    Nm
    and the powertrain, as the powertrain includes the engine,
    motor, generator, batteries, and a planetary gear set.                   In the dynamic equations of powertrain and vehicle, the
    Engine torque, motor torque, and generator torque are the
    entries of this block that come from the control unit.                   following assumptions are made:-
    While the state variables are transmitted from this block
    to the control unit, the outputs of this block are the vehicle           1. The carrier inertia, the ring inertia, and the sun inertia are
    speed and the battery charge state.

                                                                             2. Only the longitudinal dynamics of the vehicle are


                                                                             Thus, the dynamic equations of powertrain and vehicle

 III. DYNAMIC EQUATIONS OF A SERIES-PARALLEL HEV                             are[13]:
                                                                                                      ??????? ?? = ???? - ??(?? + ??)                        (5)
   In general, the dynamic equations of the series-parallel                                              ????????? = ???? + ????                             (6)
hybrid electric vehicle can be divided into:-
                                                                                                   ??????? ?? = ???? + ???? - ????????                       (7)

                                                                                   ?? ???? ???h = {((???????????? + ????????)/????) - 0.5?????????????2???h

A. The Powertrain and Vehicle Dynamic Equations                                             -????(????cos?? + sin??)}                                        (8)

In the planetary gear set, the rotational speed of the ring                  From (1)-(8) we obtain:

gear ??? , the sun gear ??? and the carrier gear ??? are                                =??? ?? ??? ??1 - ??? ??2 + ??? ??3 + ??? ??4                        (9)
governed by the constraints of kinematic equality at all times
                                                                                         ??? ??1 = ((??1????)/(??1??1 - ??2??2))

by the following relationship[12]:-                                                         ??? ??2 = ((??2????)/(??1??1 - ??2??2))

            ?????? + ?????? = (?? + ??)????                             (1)        ??? ??3 = ((????(??1??3 - ??3??2))/(??1??1 - ??2??2))

The rest of the abbreviations used in the equations are found                ??? ??4 = (??1/(??1??1 - ??2??2){((-0.5?????????????3? ???2?)/???3? )

in Table I. The above equation can be written in terms of the                      -(????????) + (????????/????)}

engine speed ???? (rad/sec), the motor speed ???? (rad/sec),

and the engine speed ????(rad/sec).                                                    ??? ?? = ??? ??1 + ??? ??2 + ??? ??3 - ??? ??4 - ??? ??5              (10)

Where:                       ???? = ????                                                              ??? ??1 = (????/??1)

                             ???? = ????},                              (2)        ??? ??2 = ((??3????)/??1) - ((??2????)/(??1??1 - ??2??2))

                             ???? = ????                                               ??? ??3 = ((??2??2????)/(??1(??1??1 - ??2??2)))

Then (1) becomes:                                                            ??? ??4 = (??2????/??1)((??1??3 - ??3??2)/(??1??1 - ??2??2))

            ?????? + ?????? = (?? + ??)????                             (3)  ??? ??5 = (??2/(??1??1 - ??2??2){((-0.5?????????????3? ???2?)/???3? )

The another constraint of the kinematic equality between                           -(????????) + (????????/????)}

the planetary gear set and the vehicle speed is that the                     Where:-

rotational speed of the ring gear is a function of the vehicle                         ??1 = ???? + ((?? + ??)/??)2????

speed and is represented by the following relationship:-                               ??2 = -(??(?? + ??)/??2)????

            V????h  =  ????  ????  ,  ?   ????  =  ????  V????h         (4)            ??3 = (?? + ??)/??
                             ????                         ????                         ??1 = ???? + (??2/??2)???? + (????/????)2??

                             TABLE I                                                   ??2 = -??(?? + ??/??2)????

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND THEIR VALUE                                                  ??3 = -??/??

Abbr.                        Definition                          Units

???? Vehicle frontal area 2.16m2                                             B. Battery Dynamic Equations

??                  Gravitational constant                       9.81m/s2

??                     Air density                               1.18kg/m2   One of the most important parameters in the energy

???? Drag coefficient                                            0.26        management of hybrid electric vehicles is the battery state of

??          Total mass of the vehicle                            1200Kg      charge (SOC), which represents a measure of the remaining

???????? Speed of the vehicle                                    m/s         electric energy in the battery, it is determined by[14]:

??                  The slope of the road                        0radians                          ?????? = ??????????-?????0 ??????????(??)????             (11)

???? Wheel rolling friction coefficient                          0.01                                                      ??????????
????????            Friction brake torque                         30         The battery current ?????????? can be found after solve this

?? Number of teeth of the sun gear                                           equation[15]:

?? Number of teeth of the ring gear                              78                         ?????????? = ???????????????? - ???2??????? ??????????           (12)

 ????                 Final gear ratio                               1.3     Then
 ????                  wheel radius                                 0.3m
??????????                                                         8.1A.h              ??????????  =  - ??????  -  v?????? 2 - 4????????????????????
??????????       Capacity of the battery                            watt                                               2??????????
??????????            Battery power                              0.246Ohm
 ??????                                                             Volt     The dynamic equation of the state of charge (SOC) can
 ????       Internal resistance of the battery                       Nm
                      Battery voltage                                        be obtained by taking the time derivative of (11)[16]:
                       Engine torque
                                                                                            ????? ?? = - ??????-v??????2-4????????????????????               (13)

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