Page 98 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 98

94 |                                                                                                       Al-Flehawee & Al-Mayyahi

the kinetic energy when decelerating or braking, as it works         as well as maintain the state of the charge of the battery at
to improve fuel consumption and the vehicle’s dynamic                the required level.
response by determining the operating points of the vehicle's
energy converters (engine, motor, and generator)[7]. In this             This paper has been organized in the following manner.
paper, the NMPC control strategy was used to manage the              Section II describes the architecture of the series-parallel
energy in a series-parallel hybrid electric vehicle. This            HEV model used in this paper. Section III illustrates the
strategy predicts the future behavior of the vehicle during a        dynamic equations for the powertrain and vehicle dynamic
period called the prediction horizon. Therefore, it needs a          equations and the dynamic equations for the state of charge
mathematical model that describes the operation of the               of the batteries in addition to describing how to express the
vehicle, and it also needs to create a cost function that            rate of fuel flow equation in terms of both the speed and
expresses the control objectives of this strategy. To find the       torque of the internal combustion engine. While section IV
optimum value of the control inputs for a hybrid electric            explains the MPC algorithm in details, and section V deals
vehicle, this is done by solving its optimization problem,           with the NMPC control strategy for a series-parallel HEV
which is represented by the equation of cost subject to the          and how to formulate the optimization problem of a series-
mathematical prediction model and the physical constraints           parallel HEV to achieve the objectives of the NMPC control
of the vehicle, which is solved by one of the methods of             strategy in addition that it also contains how to create the
solving mathematical optimization problems. In this study, a         non-linear MPC controller block. Section VI explains
nonlinear MPC controller provided by MATLAB was used                 Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) Algorithm.
to build this strategy, where this strategy aims to optimize the     Section VI demonstrates the results of the simulation of the
vehicle's fuel consumption and make the vehicle achieve the          series-parallel HEV model, where its unit was based on the
desired speed by the driver, as well as maintain the state of        NMPC control strategy, while the last section discussed the
charge of the batteries at the desired value. Where this study       results of the simulation and the future work of the study.
can be used to learn how to build the mathematical model of
the series-parallel hybrid electric vehicle as well as how to           II. ARCHITECTURE OF THE SERIES-PARALLEL HEV
use the NMPC control strategy to manage this vehicle.                                               MODEL

      In [8] model predictive control (MPC) strategy was                 Building a model of a series-parallel hybrid electric
applied to a series-parallel HEV where was used linear               vehicle to study its controller that was built based on a model
mathematical prediction model to express the behavior of the         predictive control. The approach used in this model is
series-parallel HEV which is used by this strategy to predict        classified as a forward-looking approach, as the control unit
the future vehicle's behavior. The cost function used consists       depends on the required speed of the vehicle and the current
of three terms. The first term is the square of the difference       speed of the vehicle in creating commands to produce
between the actual and predicted torques of the wheels, and          torques through the drivetrain (the engine, motor, and
the predicted torque of the wheels is estimated using an             generator), to obtain the required vehicle traction force[11].
adaptive recursive prediction algorithm that depends on the          This model consists of three parts, as shown in Fig.2.
past and present torque of the drivetrain. The second term
represents the square of the engine's fuel flow rate, and the            Fig.2: Architecture of the series-parallel HEV model
last term represents the square of the batteries' equivalent         These parts are:-
fuel consumption. The cost function is solved by a Linear            ? References block: - This block contains the driving cycle
Quadrature Tracking (LQT) approach to obtain the control
inputs values that achieve a minimum fuel consumption,                   and the desired values or the target value for the state of
minimizing the difference between the actual and predicted               charge (SOC) of the battery.
torque output of the drivetrain as well as maintaining the           ? Control unit: - The control unit was built depending on
battery charge condition at the required level. In [9] is used           the NMPC control strategy. The driving cycle and the
model predictive control (MPC) strategy to manage the first              target state of charge of the battery are represented some
level of the series-parallel hybrid electric vehicle's control           of the control unit entries which come from the reference
unit. Since this unit consists of two levels, the first level finds      block. There is also feedback that only includes the
the optimal values for both the speed and torque of the                  manipulated variables (MVs) that were computed in the
engine, which are references for the second control level.               previous sampling step. There is also feedback that only
The standard linear MPC is used to solve the optimization                includes the manipulated inputs that are computed for the
problem in each sampling step by Quadratic Program (QP)                  current time step. In addition, the rest entries are the state
approach to find the optimum values of both the speed and                variables, which come from the powertrain and vehicle
torque of the engine to get the minimum fuel consumption,                dynamic block. While the engine torque, motor torque,
reduce using the friction brake, and keep the state of the               and generator torque are the outputs of this block and go
charge of the battery at the required level. In [10]the model            to the block of powertrain and vehicle dynamic.
predictive control (MPC) strategy was also applied to
manage a control unit of the series-parallel HEV. Where the
standard linear MPC was used to solve the optimization
problem in each sampling step by MATLAB MPC toolbox
to find the optimal values torque of the engine, motor, and
generator in order to obtain the minimum fuel consumption,
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