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Al-Flehawee & Al-Mayyahi                                                                                                             | 101

and SOC as well as focus and attention to obtain the best           value. Although this strategy makes many calculations, it
possible minimization in fuel consumption.                          was able to implement all the optimization tasks required of
                                                                    it well due to its ability to find the optimal operating points
Fig.7: The trajectories of the optimal manipulated variables        for energy converters in this vehicle. It is possible to benefit
    It is noted that the tracking and dynamic response of the       from this study by comparing the NMPC control strategy
                                                                    with other energy management strategies for the same
reference speed of the series-parallel HEV is good as shown         vehicle, in addition to the possibility of using the
in Fig.8, where the series-parallel HEV model was able to           mathematical model equations for this vehicle in other
travel 10.9 km and the total fuel used was 0.4482 liters during     studies.
the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), and it is
considered a good result in terms of improving fuel                                      CONFLICT OF INTEREST
consumption. In the end, it can be said that a model of the
hybrid electric vehicle was able to achieve the objectives               The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this
required of it.                                                     article.

 Fig.8: Series-parallel HEV speed by using NMPC strategy                                        REFERENCES

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