Page 199 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 199
195 | Al-mtory, Alnahwi & Ali
TABLE I. CDOA is very efficient and reliable. Among the properties
SOME BENCHMARK FUNCTIONS of the algorithms that should be mentioned are the speed of
response, speed of implementation, and speed of convergence.
#FUN Name Range Function For convergence assessment purposes, Fig. 3. demonstrates
FUN1 De Jong’s sphere function [–5.12, 5.12] Unimodal the convergence of the proposed algorithm toward the opti-
FUN2 Hyper-ellipsoid function [–5.12, 5.12] Unimodal mum solution for some of the benchmark functions given
FUN3 Unimodal previously. A few iterations are required for CDOA to con-
FUN4 Sum of different power [–1, 1] Multimodal verge to the optimal solution, and this is considered as one
FUN5 Ackley’s function [–32.768, 32.768] Multimodal of the main advantages of this algorithm. V lists the time
FUN6 Multimodal required to execute each algorithm. It is clear that CDOA
Griewangk’s function [–600, 600] speed of execution is comparable with the fast modified CA
Rastrigin’s function [–5.12, 5.12] algorithm. Another important feature for the proposed algo-
rithm can be noticed in this work. When looking at CDOA
between CDOA and the above algorithms, the acceptable error and comparing it with its counterparts, it can be seen that
percentage should be determined. Equation (11) shows the there is no parameter in this algorithm that need to be set to
error percentage adopted in this work. The best solution is increase its convergence speed. In contrast, PSO requires four
accepted if its difference with the optimal solution is less than setting parameters namely individual learning factor, maxi-
or equal one percent. mum velocity, inertia weight, and social learning factor. CSA
requires setting adjustable parameters called flight, length,
|Bestcost - optimalcost|= 0.01 (11) and awareness probability. Modified CA parameters that need
to be set are the camel endurance and the camel visibility.
Due to the randomness of the initial values and the selection
of conditions, single run for the program is not a wise solution V. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS
to assess the performance of each algorithm. For this reason,
each algorithm is executed thirty times in this work. The A. PID Controller
success rate of each algorithm is given in (12), where the The term PID is an abbreviation of the words proportional,
success rate (SR) is the percentage of the number of successful integral, and derivative. Consequently, the controller has three
runs to the total number of runs. coefficients to be optimized one for the proportional gain, the
other for the integration gain, and the third is for the derivative
SR = number o f success f ul run × 100% (12) gain. Each coefficient has a certain effect on the system;
number o f run for example, it is possible to improve the steady state error
by controlling the proportional coefficient, or to eliminate
In Tables (II, III, IV, and V), the comparisons between the the steady state error through the integration coefficient. In
algorithms that have already been mentioned above are rep- addition, the overshoot of the system is controlled through
resented for dimensions (5, 10, 15, and 20) respectively. the derivative coefficient [40]. The structure of PID controller
Through these tables, one can notice that the comparison system is shown in, Fig. 4. The three coefficients of the PID
was made on the basis of the statistical results represented by controller (KP, Ki, andKd) given in (13) can be optimized to
mean, standard deviation, best cost median, and success rate. improve the performance of the entire system.
These statistical calculations were done through the program
(IBM SPSS Statistics 26) program version 20. The tests were td
carried out by using a laptop with Core i7, 2.4 GHz processor, control signal = KPe(t) + Ki 0 e(t)dt + Kd dt e(t) (13)
Windows 10 Pro, a 512 Gb SSD and 16 Gb RAM.
After analyzing the statistical results, it is noted that the pro- where e(t) is the error signal that is corresponding to the
posed CDOA provides an excellent performance compared difference between the input r(t) and the output of the system
to the other algorithms for the unimodal functions in all di- y(t). The main function of PID controller is to keep the value
mensions. For the multimodal function, the results were also of the error signal as low as possible. As mentioned earlier,
acceptable and can be relied on for the dimensions less than or the error signal can be reduce by optimizing the controller
equal to 20. For dimensions larger than 20, the success rate is coefficients KP, Ki, andKd . The transfer function L(s) of the
low in some functions. This is a real interpretation of the No controller is given by [41]:
Free Lunch theorem (NFL) [26] which stipulates that there
is no algorithm that can solve all equations and engineering L(s) = KdS2 + KpS + Ki (14)
applications. Moreover, the algorithm can find the solution S
for dimensions larger than 20 to a certain type of the equation
and fail in other types. It is worth mentioning here that the
proposed algorithm does not match the dimensions of more
than twenty variables of the multimodal functions, otherwise