Page 197 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 197

193 |                                                                                      Al-mtory, Alnahwi & Ali

E cell denotes the electrical cell potential(E cathode+E anode).    corrosion rate, HIENCON is the high environmental condition,
When ?G < 0, corrosion becomes spontaneous, while ?G >              LOENCON is the low environmental condition, and ENVFactordenotes
0 results in nonspontaneous corrosion[33].                          the random disruption between the high environmental condi-
                                                                    tion and low environmental condition given by:
 DIFFUSION OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM                                       ENVf actor = LOENCON + RAND(HIENCON - LOENCON ) (7)

The proposed algorithm in this study is mainly based on the         The previous subsection also reveals that the stability and
pitting corrosion diffusion. As mentioned earlier, this type of     growth of the pit mainly depend on the amount of electrical
corrosion goes through three stages. Firstly, it passes though      potential difference between the electrodes of the corrosion
the initiation stage, where the onset of this type of corrosion     cell as well as Gibbs free energy equation. For the purpose of
is random on the surface of the metal. Therefore, suppose that      determining the stability of the pit, it is necessary to have a
there are a number of pits on the surface of the metal which        decision equation which depends on the potential difference
represents the number of pitting (W ). Each of these pits has a     of cell and the number of transferred electrons as given in (8):
number of electrons and ions that move from the positive side
which is represented by the surface of the metal to negative        energylevel = -N * uni f orm rand[lowvoltage, highvoltage]
side which is represented by the surrounding environment.                             * (xoldbest - xprivous)
The number of transferred electrons or ions is symbolized                                                                                 (8)
by (N). Actually, N is the dimension of each variable x that
represents each pit. Therefore, it is possible to describe the      where (energylevel) represents Gibb’s free energy, (uniform
case of the x at the iteration (iter) as in the below matrix:       rand) represents a uniform disruption between low and high
                                                                    stander level voltages, xoldbest is the global best value, and
       ? x1,1iter · · · x1,Niter ?                                  xprivous is the previous iteration value of x.
                                                                    At each iteration, the sum of the row, which represents the
xiter = ?      ...      ...  ...    ?        (4)                    sum of the energy of each pit, is named (sum of energy level).
        ?                           ?                               The sum of energy that represents Gibb’s free energy is used
                                                                    to determine the stability of the pit as given below two condi-
           xW,1iter · · · xW,Niter                                  tions:
                                                                    CASE ONE : THE UNSTABLE STATE
where N = (1, 2,. . . , D), the D represents the dimension of each  In this case, the sum of energy level is less than zero, and the
variable, W = (1,2,. . . ,number of pitting), and the iteration     potential difference exists. Therefore, it is considered as an
number iter = (1,2,. . . , itermax).                                unstable situation, and by sure it is not the optimum solution.
Initially, the pitting distributes randomly on the surface of the   The updating equation is as follows:
metal as described in the following formula:
                                                                    xdi iter = xdi iter-1 + ENVEFFECT * (xdi iter best - xdi iter-1 best )
xni.iter = xmin + RAND * (xmax - xmin)       (5)                                                                                          (9)

where RAND is random number uniformly distributed be-               CASE TWO : THE STABLE STATE
tween 0 and 1, and xmax , xmin represent the boundary reign         This case happens when the sum of energy level is greater
on the metal where xmax is the maximum limited of transfer          than or equal to zero, or when the potential difference is equal
electrons or ions, and xminis the minimum limited of transfer       to zero. Therefore, it is considered a stable state in which the
electron or ions. It has already been clarified that the envi-      value of x remains as it is in the previous iteration.
ronmental conditions surrounding the corroded metal have a
very significant impact on the corrosion rate. It is possible to    xdi iter = xdi iter-1  (10)
increase or decrease the corrosion rate by changing the envi-
ronmental conditions. For this reason, equation (6) combines        Fig. 2. and Alg. 1. show the flow chart and the pseudo-code
the effect of the conditions mentioned in Section II.A in the       of the proposed algorithm, respectively.
following form:

                          HIENCON - LOENCON                                        BENCHMARK FUNCTIONS

where ENVEFFECT represents the environmental effects on             To verify the performance and efficiency of the proposed al-
                                                                    gorithm, different types of benchmark functions were used.
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