Page 195 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 195
191 | Al-mtory, Alnahwi & Ali
ture. Many algorithms have been invented to emulate the algorithm [20] are examples of this type of algorithms. The
natural systems in such a way that serves the industrial and third inspiration comes from the physical and chemical prop-
scientific kinds of problems. The following are the main ex- erties. The physical algorithms are inspired from the physical
amples of these algorithms. ant colony (AC) algorithm [2] theories and laws, while the chemical algorithms are inspired
was proposed in 1992 as an algorithm that follows the ant from the interactions and the chemical properties of materials.
colony intelligence of communication in solving the optimiza- There are many algorithms that are physically and chemically
tion problems. In this algorithm, the searching efficiency was inspired such as black hole [21], charge system search [22],
improved by increasing the randomness to present variety in and water cycle algorithm [23]. The algorithm introduces in
the solutions and avoiding falling in local optima [3]. In 1995, this paper which is called Corrosion Diffusion Optimization
particle swarm optimization (PSO) [4] was proposed. This Algorithm (CDOA) is categorized in this type of classifica-
algorithm is based on migration movement of a swarm of tion. Finally, the last type of this classification is called other
birds over a wide searching area. In 2010, an algorithm called algorithms. Sometimes, the researchers introduce and develop
cuckoo search algorithm (CS) [5] that relies on the cuckoo algorithms that are difficult to include under the above three
species co-parsing in parasitism was presented. An algorithm types. It may be an algorithm inspired from nature but it is
was proposed in 2012 known as flower pollination algorithm not bio, physically, or chemically. Therefore, it is placed un-
(FPA) [6]. This algorithm is based on the different pollination der the above mentioned category. Examples of this type are
methods used in agricultural fields and orchards. In addition, anarchic society optimization [24] and artificial cooperative
there are some algorithms that were inspired from the natu- search [25]. Variety of optimization algorithms are proposed
ral behavior of elements via their chemical reactions without due to several reasons such as the diversity and multiplicity of
the presence of catalyst such as Multi objective Atomic Or- problem in engineer and industrial applications, and there is
bital Search (MOAOS) [7]. Furthermore, some algorithms no algorithm that solves all engineering and industrial appli-
were created based on the physical changes such as big bang- cations problems according to No Free Lunch (NFL) theorem
big crunch algorithm [8], central force optimization [9] and [26].
An improved pedestrian dead reckoning algorithm based on In this paper, a new algorithm called Corrosion Diffusion
smartphone [10]. Optimization Algorithm (CDOA) is presented. It is based on
Generally, there are many classifications for the optimization the corrosion distribution on the metal surfaces. This paper is
algorithms. However, in this work, the classification that is organized as follows. Section II discusses the method from
relied on follows the source of inspiration as in [1] at which which the algorithm is inspired. The implementation of the
the algorithms are divided into four categories: proposed algorithm is demonstrated in Section III, while Sec-
1) Swarm intelligence (SI) based tion IV verifies the performance of the proposed algorithm
2) Bio-inspired, but not SI based with the aid of some benchmark functions to compare it with
3) Physics and chemistry based some other well-known algorithms. Some engineering appli-
4) Other algorithms cations are presented in Section V to fortify the superiority
The SI algorithms are the most popular type of algorithms. of this algorithm. Section VI is the final conclusion of this
All SI algorithms use multi–agent or multi-particle. There research.
are many reasons for this popularity. One of the most impor-
tant reasons is the information- sharing between particles or II. BEHAVIOR OF CORROSION DIFFUSION
agents which results in faster convergence to the optimum
situation. Another reason for the popularity of SI algorithms This section demonstrates the inspiration method that was
is that it can be parallelized easily, so it can easily be worked followed in presenting the proposed algorithm. Therefore,
in large scale of optimization. There are many examples of this section is divided into the following two subsections.
this type algorithms such as Modified camel travelling be-
havior algorithm (MCA) [11], Artificial bee colony (ABC) A. Inspiration Method
[12], Bat algorithm (BA) [13], Bee colony optimization(BCO) Corrosion can be defined as a failure or dissolution of a metal
[14], and Virtual ant algorithm (VA) [15]. The second type or alloy due to a chemical or electrochemical interaction with
of this classification is the bio-inspired that are not SI-based the medium surrounding it. When the corrosion is caused by
algorithms. These algorithms depend on the behavior of a physical reasons, it is called wear. However, the corrosion that
certain organism or creature regardless its communication results from chemical factors and with the help of mechani-
with other mates. Fungi kingdom expansion algorithm [16], cal factors takes other names such as erosion corrosion and
biogeography-based optimization [17], brain storm optimiza- retting corrosion[27], respectively. The study of corrosion is
tion [18], fish-school search [19], and shuffled frog leaping an important matter for humanity because of its impact on the
everyday life. The corrosion may results in a huge financial