Page 194 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 194
Received: 12 May 2023 | Revised: 20 June 2023 | Accepted: 28 June 2023
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.20.2.16 Vol. 20 | Issue 2 | December 2024
Open Access
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Original Article
A New Algorithm Based on Pitting Corrosion for
Engineering Design Optimization Problems
Hussien A. Al-mtory *1, Falih M. Alnahwi2, Ramzy S. Ali2
1Department of inspection, Iraqi drilling company, ministry of oil, Iraq
2Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Basrah, Basrah, 61001 Iraq
*Hussien A. ALmtory
Department of Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering, University of Basrah, Iraq
This paper presents a new optimization algorithm called corrosion diffusion optimization algorithm (CDOA). The
proposed algorithm is based on the diffusion behavior of the pitting corrosion on the metal surface. CDOA utilizes
the oxidation and reduction electrochemical reductions as well as the mathematical model of Gibbs free energy in its
searching for the optimal solution of a certain problem. Unlike other algorithms, CDOA has the advantage of dispensing
any parameter that need to be set for improving the convergence toward the optimal solution. The superiority of the
proposed algorithm over the others is highlighted by applying them on some unimodal and multimodal benchmark
functions. The results show that CDOA has better performance than the other algorithms in solving the unimodal
equations regardless the dimension of the variable. On the other hand, CDOA provides the best multimodal optimization
solution for dimensions less than or equal to (5, 10, 15, up to 20) but it fails in solving this type of equations for variable
dimensions larger than 20. Moreover, the algorithm is also applied on two engineering application problems, namely the
PID controller and the cantilever beam to accentuate its high performance in solving the engineering problems. The
proposed algorithm results in minimized values for the settling time, rise time, and overshoot for the PID controller.
Where the rise time, settling time, and maximum overshoot are reduced in the second order system to 0.0099, 0.0175 and
0.005 sec., in the fourth order system to 0.0129, 0.0129 and 0 sec, in the fifth order system to 0.2339, 0.7756 and 0, in the
fourth system which contains time delays to 1.5683, 2.7102 and 1.80 E-4 sec., and in the simple mass-damper system to
0.403, 0.628 and 0 sec., respectively.
In addition, it provides the best fitness function for the cantilever beam problem compared with some other well-known
Corrosion Diffusion, Pitting Corrosion, Energy Level, Benchmark Function, PID Controller.
I. INTRODUCTION of creatures can be utilized in different ways for simulating
certain industrial or scientific process. For example, many
Nature is the main inspiration source of many scientific laws laws and algorithms were inspired from some behaviors of
and theories. Therefore, natural phenomena that occur auto- living organisms [1] such as organs of the living systems,
matically without intervention are a source that often attracts the collective way of life of these living beings, their way
the attention of scientists and researchers. The natural behav- of living, or their mass migration. Most of the algorithms
iors are usually used for the purpose of deriving equations, are inspired from some natural behaviors like bio algorithms,
laws, and working principles for many industrial and engi- physics, chemical reactions, and changes of elements in na-
neering applications. The behavior of various kinds and types
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©2024 The Authors.
Published by Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering | College of Engineering, University of Basrah. | 190