Page 189 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 189
185 | Hussein & AL-Assfor
Fig. 4. The Proposed (6*6)-bit AVM.
Fig. 3. Internal organization of Single-precision
floating point MAC.
This section presents a distinctive design for a (24*24)-bit
VM based on UT-Sutra approach called here adjusted VM
(AVM) to be used for floating-point DSP’s MAC module. The
work starts by designing a (6*6)-bit AVM, then it is extended
to design (12*12)-bit and (24*24)-bit AVMs accordingly.
A. Proposed (6*6)-bit AVM. Fig. 5. The Proposed (12*12)-bit AVM.
A (6*6)-bit AVM is designed using four (3*3)-bit conventional
VMs, a single (6-bit) CSA to add three intermediate partial (24*24)-bit AVM consists of four (12*12)-bit AVMs, followed
products and generate two (6-bit) vectors: the sum and carry by a single (24-bit) CSA to reduce the partial products gener-
vectors. An enhanced 6-bit Brent-Kung carry-select adder ated from the (12*12)-bit AVMs to two vectors: the sum (S-
(EBK-CSLA) has proposed and be incorporated in the AVM vector) and the carry vector (C-vector). The S-vector consists
design to add the resultant two vectors generated from the of 24-bit (bits S[23:00]), while the carry vector (C-vector) con-
CSA for producing the final product as illustrated in Fig. 4. sists of 24-bit (bits C[24:01]). The least significant bit (LSB)
The 6-bit EBK-CSLA consists of two (3-bit) Brent-Kung of the S-vector (namely; bit S[00]) represents the 12th bit of
(BK) adders, a 4-bit binary-to-access-1 convertors (BEC1), the final product (namely, S[00]=Pr[12]). This means that
and a 3-bit MUX. The three MSBs of the final product can one can minimize the size of the proposed EBK-CSLA which
be obtained using a 3-bit increment-by-1 convertor (IB1C) is used to generate the final product bits from 24-bit to 23-bit.
instead of using an adder, for its high speed, since it consists This step will further improve the performance of the AVM
of fewest logic gates in comparison to with any adder. design. The output of the (23-bit) EBK-CSLA represents the
product bits Pr[35:13]. Fig. 7 depicts the design of the (23-
B. Design of (24*24)-bit AVM bit) EBK-CSLA, it consists of six blocks of variable bit sizes
The (6*6)-bit AVM can be easily extended to design a (12*12)- BK-adders along with five BEC and a set of MUXs to carry
bit AVM. In this case, four (6*6)-bit AVM modules, a 12-bit out carry selection. To generate the most significant 12-bit of
CSA to reduce the intermediate partial products from three the final product (namely, bits Pr[47:36]), two (6-bit) EBK-
vectors to two (12-bit) vectors (namely, sum and carry), and CSLA modules are utilized. The two output-carry signals c1
then, an 11-bit EBK-CSLA is used to produce the final product and c2 generated from the CSA and the (23-bit) EBK-CSLA,
bits of the intermediate stage, followed by a 6-bit EBK-CSLA respectively are OR-ed together to enable the first (6-bit) EBK-
which is used to generate the most significant 6- bits of the CSLA for generating the product bits Pr[41:36]. The output
product, as demonstrated in Fig. 5.
Similarly, the (24*24)-bit AVM is designed from the
(12*12)-bit AVM, as illustrated in Fig. 6. The proposed