Page 174 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 174

170 |                                                             Al-Jrew, Mahmood & Ali

version are current fed and voltage fed converters. The voltage   phase-locked loop (PLL) with the self oscillating method , the
fed resonant inverter has been used in the designed system        latest methodology resulted in reduced voltage stress in the
because voltage source inverter VSI drives outperform cur-        inverter. The used switching approach tracked the changing of
rent source inverter CSI drives in terms of efficiency. This is   resonance frequency. The self-oscillating switching method
because we employ Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor IGBT          offered the capability to tune the phase error, where the phase
switching devices in VSI drives, which are more efficient         error was important for parallel operating and zone control IH
than the Gate Turn Off Thyristor GTO or Symmetrical Gate          systems.
Commutated Thyristor SGCT devices used in CSI versions.
Another advantage of VSI over CSI, is that the VSI has a              G. D. Goranov, N. D. Madzharov, and I. O. Kandov [23],
small size and its output voltage waveform does not depend        worked on 20 kW IH system with a full bridge bipolar power
on the type of load.                                              supply inverter. Digital PLL control method had been con-
                                                                  ducted. They used digital format for the input and output
    Induction heating system needed two principles to be in       parameters to get an easy adjustment during the heating pro-
the designer consideration, first one is keeping the inverter in  cess in dynamic mode. The sophisticated programming logic
a resonant functioning state during the heating process, the      device called (coolrinner2 XILINX) had used for this purpose.
control circuit must be able to track frequency automatically
with the load variations [11–13]. This control circuit must           P. Herasymenko et al. [24], introduced control method for
respond faster and more accurate while increasing the out-        IH application included a software phase-locked loop for 10
put frequency of the inverter [14]. The second principle is       kW IH system with a resonant voltage source power supply
achieving the soft switching conditions, the output voltage and   inverter. The software PLL control used to adjust the dead
inverter current must be in phase to avoid switching losses.      time between the inverter switches devices and regulate the
                                                                  fluctuation of load current amplitude and produced a phase
    There is two control methods commonly used for these          shift between inverter output voltage and current.
purposes, self-oscillating drivers and phase locked loop (PLL)
[15]. The PLL has been utilized in this paper for induction           H. O¨ zbay, A. Karafil, and S. O¨ ncu¨, in [25] discussed 250
heating system because it is more reliable and accurate spe-      W IH system with a sliding mode controlled PLL using a
cially when implemented and analyzed with a software based        series resonant full bridge inverter. PLLs were utilized in IH
PLL algorithm. Many studies and research work used these          applications to obtain zero voltage and zero current switch-
control methods for induction heating applications [16–19].       ing mode. Sliding mode control used with PLL to avoid the
                                                                  slow frequency tracking and make the controlling more re-
    M. Ali, R. Srinivasu, and T. R. Jyothsna [20], conducted a    liable. Pulse density modulation PDM control method was
series resonant half-bridge inverter with a series parallel con-  improved to make the inverter operated at the resonant fre-
nection of capacitors for an induction heating system. They       quency because of significant decreasing in switching losses
used PLL control unit to keep a unity power factor regard-        and electromagnetic noise . The operating frequency of the
less to load changes. The performance of IH system with           IH system range between ( 35-42 kHz).
power rated of 6kW had been tested on frequency (50-150
kHz). They ignored the impact of overlap period and snubber           P. Herasymenko [26], developed a 2.5 kW IH system of
components to get an information about the inverter output        series resonant full bridge inverter with a digital control sys-
currents and voltages.                                            tem based on STM32 and a software PLL controller. The used
                                                                  PLL system lead to phase synchronization between the output
    M. Roy and M. Sengupta [21], proposed 2kW, IH system          voltage and current of the series resonant inverter. The experi-
with 10 kHz resonant frequency. They used digital-PLL based       mental studies done in that research work used the software
on FPGA to track the resonant frequency. The IH system            PLL with several control methods, including phase shift con-
consisted of CSI-fed IH coil linked to an H-bridge of four        trol, pulse-density modulation control, and PS-PDM control.
IGBTs with series diodes. At resonance state, the phase shift     The range of frequencies used to test the system between ( 25
between voltage and current is ideally zero. The track of reso-   to 50 kHz). They claimed that the used PLL STM32-based
nant frequency had been achieved by adjusting the switching       system in that research was appropriate for induction heat-
frequency until the phase-shift is zero.                          ing application with simultaneously dual-frequency output
                                                                  current produced from two inverters.
    A. Namadmalan and J. S. Moghani [22], presented IH sys-
tem with a mechanism for adjustable self-oscillating switching        The next section will take an overview about the con-
in current source parallel resonant inverters. To validate the    ducted five level power supply inverter topology for this in-
performance of that tuning system, a IH system consisted of       duction heating application. Section III discuss the PWM
general-purpose ( full bridge ) CSI inverter with an operat-      technique used for multilevel inverter. Section IV includes
ing frequency of 25-100 kHz had been used. A comparison           the description of the mathematical model used to design the
had been done between the conventional technologies such as       PLL control unit. Section V, details a description of the block
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