Page 169 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 169

165 |                                                                                              Al-Jabry & Al-Asadi
                                                                Fig. 5. Comparison graph for E2E delay
sensor nodes, the simulation was conducted. We compare
the performance of the DDCP algorithm to that of the AODV,
OLSR and DSR routing protocols, an extensively utilized
routing protocol in wireless sensor networks.

Experiment 1: Packet Delivery Ratio
The performance evaluation of the proposed DDCP routing
algorithm was conducted by comparing it with conventional
routing protocols, namely OLSR, DSR, and AODV under
identical simulation conditions. In the first experiment, we
evaluated the packet delivery ratio (PDR) of the DDCP, AODV,
OLSR, and DSR protocols. The results of the experiment are
shown in Fig. (4).

Fig. 4. Comparison graph for PDR                                Fig. 6. Comparison graph for energy consumption

    The results show that the DDCP algorithm outperforms the        The results show that the DDCP algorithm is more energy-
AODV, OLSR and DSR protocols in terms of packet delivery        efficient than the AODV protocol, consuming 1560.2 (J) com-
ratio. The DDCP algorithm achieves a packet delivery ratio      pared to AODV’s 2125.6 (J). Additionally, the DDCP algo-
of 98 %, while the state-of-the-art protocol achieves a packet  rithm outperforms both the OLSR and DSR protocols in terms
delivery ratio of 89 %, 92 % and 82 %, respectively.            of energy efficiency, consuming less energy than both pro-
                                                                tocols. The OLSR protocol consumes 1890.3 (J), while the
Experiment 2: End-to-End Delay                                  DSR protocol consumes 1920.2 (J).
The second experiment evaluates the end-to-end delay (E2E)
of the DDCP protocol and compares it with that of the AODV,                        VI. DISCUSSION
OLSR, and DSR protocols. The results of the experiment are
shown in Fig. (5).                                              The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed DDCP
                                                                routing algorithm outperforms conventional routing protocols,
    The updated results show that the DDCP algorithm out-       including AODV, OLSR, and DSR, with respect to packet
performs not only AODV but also OLSR and DSR in terms           delivery rate, end-to-end delay, and energy efficiency. These
of end-to-end delay. The DDCP algorithm achieves an end-        results demonstrate that the DDCP algorithm improves the
to-end delay of 125.6 (ms), while AODV, OLSR, and DSR           dependability of WMSN packets. In terms of packet deliv-
protocols achieve end-to-end delays of 175.2 (ms), 145.8 (ms),  ery rate, the DDCP algorithm outperforms the other routing
and 184.3 (ms), respectively.                                   protocols, particularly in high-traffic and mobility scenarios.
                                                                This is due to the cooperative nature of the DDCP algorithm,
Experiment 3: Energy Efficiency                                 which employs neighbouring nodes to dynamically modify
The third experiment evaluates the energy efficiency of the     the transmission range and choose the optimal route for packet
DDCP algorithm in comparison to the AODV, OLSR, and             transmission. Even when the direct path is blocked or signal
DSR protocols. The results of the experiment are shown in
Fig. (6).
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