Page 170 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 170
166 | Al-Jabry & Al-Asadi
quality is poor, the DDCP algorithm can effectively deliver siderations are important. Forthcoming studies could focus
more packets to the destination node, as demonstrated by the on implementing and validating the DDCP protocol in physi-
results. The DDCP algorithm is also preferable to the other cal testbeds or real-world WMSN deployments to assess its
protocols in terms of end-to-end delay, particularly in scenar- practical feasibility and performance. Such research would
ios involving heavy traffic load and mobility. This is a result offer insightful information and aid in the DDCP protocol’s
of the DDCP algorithm’s ability to dynamically modify the refinement for effective use in Wireless Multimedia Sensor
transmission range and choose the optimal route for packet Networks.
transmission, thereby minimizing delays caused by packet
retransmission and route discovery. VIII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS
In terms of energy efficiency, the DDCP algorithm achieves This research proposes a novel routing algorithm, the Dis-
greater energy efficiency than the other protocols, particularly tributed Dynamic Cooperation Protocol (DDCP) that utilizes
in scenarios with high traffic load and high mobility. This is a neighbor collaboration to improve packet reliability and net-
result of the DDCP algorithm’s ability to dynamically modify work performance in WMSN. DDCP algorithms adaptively
the transmission range, thereby reducing energy consumption adjust the transmission range to maximise packet delivery
while maintaining high packet transfer rates. The simulation while reducing energy consumption through clustering and
results demonstrate that the proposed DDCP routing algo- cluster head nodes. The simulation results show that the pro-
rithm is an effective method for enhancing the dependability posed algorithm outperforms not only AODV but also OLSR
of WMSN packets. The algorithm utilizes the cooperation of and DSR in terms of packet delivery rate, end-to-end de-
neighboring nodes to dynamically modify the transmission lay, and energy efficiency. DDCP algorithms achieve higher
range and select the optimal route for packet transmission, packet delivery rates, lower end-to-end delay, and less en-
thereby optimizing packet delivery rate, energy consumption, ergy consumption, which is less sensitive to network size
and end-to-end delay. These results indicate that DDCP al- and number of nodes than existing protocols. Therefore, the
gorithms have the potential to be implemented in real-world proposed algorithm is a promising solution for improving
applications where packet dependability is crucial. packet reliability in WMSN and has the potential to be scaled
to large-scale networks. Future work could involve further
VII. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY optimizing the DDCP algorithm to handle more complex net-
work topologies and scenarios. Another area of development
This present study identifies certain shortcomings and offers could be the exploration of the potential of integrating ma-
some areas for further investigation of the developed DDCP chine learning techniques with the proposed DDCP protocol
protocol. to improve network performance and reliability.
First, as the simulations could not have included all poten- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
tial scenarios, by considering this as a limitation, the proposed
DDCP method should be further optimized to handle more The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article.
complicated network topologies and scenarios with all possi-
ble insights. This could involve investigating the algorithm’s REFERENCES
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