Page 166 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 166

162 |                                                              Al-Jabry & Al-Asadi

This study compares multiple routing protocols in terms of         meta-heuristic optimization to alternatively choose the best
packet delivery ratio (PDR), energy consumption, end-to-end        path according to the cost function with the least energy loss
delay, and the number of live nodes. The results reveal that the   and the smallest distance. In this approach, the authors con-
Reliability and Adaptive Cooperation for Efficient UWSNs           ducted a thorough performance investigation of the suggested
Using Sink Mobility (RACE-SM) protocol outperforms other           algorithm and compared it with three existing routing proto-
schemes, demonstrating superior performance across all eval-       cols. According to the analysis of performance results, the
uated metrics.                                                     suggested procedure showed improved performance than the
                                                                   other routing protocols.
    In unmanned aerial vehicles ad hoc networks (UANETs),
where UAVs collaborate on complex tasks, finding an optimal            Jiao Zhenghua et al. [23] examined the problems with
communication path can be challenging due to high mobility,        the coverage model and control approach and provided an
variable link quality, and heavy traffic loads. To address these   adaptive particle swarm optimization methodology to address
issues, we propose a delay-aware and link-quality-aware geo-       the coverage control issue in WMSNs. To determine the best
graphical routing protocol called DLGR-2DQ. The protocol           projection area for a single sensor, a 3D coverage model was
considers both physical layer metrics, such as signal-to-noise     first created by presenting the perceptual radius of the sen-
ratio, and data link layer factors, including expected transmis-   sors. Following that, it was recommended to use an adaptive
sion count. By modeling the packet-forwarding process as a         particle swarm optimization to enhance sensor location data
Markov decision process and utilizing an appropriate reward        in order to minimize perceptual blind spots and overlapping
function, the dueling DQN algorithm learns to make efficient       perceptions in the monitoring area. An approach to decrease
routing decisions. Simulation results demonstrate that our pro-    the number of active sensors was finally presented using re-
posed protocol outperforms others in terms of packet delivery      dundant node sleeping. In comparison to the most advanced
ratio and average end-to-end delay [19].                           frameworks, simulation results showed that it can guarantee
                                                                   superior coverage while using fewer sensors.
    Srinivasa Gowda et al. [20] proposed the Hybrid Salp
Swarm-Firefly (HSSFF) technique, which contains the SALP               Ali et al. [24] suggested a novel Integer Linear Program-
swarm and firefly optimization approaches, which was also          ming (ILP) optimization methodology to recreate the ideal
suggested in this study. The HSSFF technique was used to           associated mesh backbone topology with the fewest links and
identify the best routing path with the less expected transmis-    relay nodes possible while maintaining redundancy and meet-
sion count value and the smallest amount of end-to-end delay.      ing the given end-to-end QoS requirements for multimedia
Here, there are two parts to the fitness function for Simulink     traffic. Link and Node Removal Considering Residual Ca-
evaluation. To identify the optimal and effective routing path,    pacity and Traffic Demands (LNR-RCTD) was an additional
the authors analyzed the simulation results for two dissimilar     polynomial time heuristic approach that was suggested. It was
scenarios.                                                         confirmed through simulation experiments that this heuristic
                                                                   approach achieved results that are almost optimal and pre-
    Alqahtani Abdulrahman Saad [21] suggested analyzing            vented the wastage of 20 % of resources that would otherwise
and increasing the QoS using Multipath Routing Protocol            be used for QoS provisioning, routing, and random topology
(IQMRP) for WMSN. As a rule, wireless communications               deployment.
are vulnerable to link losses due to signal intrusion, which
can cause packet loss and communication errors. Concurrent             Tiglao Nestor Michae and Anto´nio M. Grilo [25] sug-
routing in addition to the multi-path determination greatly        gested a NACK-based repair system integrated with an adap-
improves the ability to handle these drawbacks, thus enhanc-       tive MAC layer retransmission technique to enhance the result
ing the application of wireless multimedia. The communica-         of caching-based WMSN transport protocols. The objective
tion of multi-path helps to provide a large amount of band-        was to decrease real-time end-to-end delay while preserv-
width is vital for multimedia infrastructures among two nodes.     ing energy efficiency and dependability in the face of error
Even though a single route will be able to provide multi-path      rates of high channels. The experimental outcomes demon-
transmission, connectivity also helps to stable the traffic load,  strated that the integration of these two methods improved
which can increase the lifetime of the network. This method        both output quality and energy efficiency. Additionally, the
uses the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) system to select a          protocol achieved decreased rates of packet losses, making
multi-path utilizing a potential route priority.                   it appropriate for multimedia delivery. Although the sug-
                                                                   gested method utilized the Distributed Transport for Sensor
    Genta Addisalem et al. [22] provided a routing technique       Networks (DTSN) protocol as a starting point to show how
for data communication that includes dynamic cluster cre-          well the methods operate, they were found effective to work
ation, multipath routing formation, and cluster head selection     with other WSN and WMSN transport protocols.
to lower routing overheads and energy consumption. The
suggested technique employs a genetic algorithm (GA)-based
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