Page 164 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 164

160 |                                                              Al-Jabry & Al-Asadi

not optimized for multimedia applications and may result in        2) Quality-of-Service (QoS)-Aware Routing:
high packet loss rates. Secondly, the evaluation of the DDCP       QoS-aware routing algorithms consider the specific require-
routing algorithm through simulations and real-world exper-        ments of multimedia data, such as bandwidth, delay, and
iments using a testbed of wireless multimedia sensor nodes         packet loss. These algorithms aim to find routes that sat-
provides valuable insights into its performance in terms of        isfy the QoS constraints of multimedia applications. QoS
packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and energy efficiency.    refers to the overall performance and reliability of network
The comparison with traditional routing protocols such as          services, including bandwidth, delay, jitter, packet loss, and
AODV highlights the superiority of the DDCP algorithm in           reliability. By selecting routes that can meet the desired QoS
enhancing packet reliability for multimedia applications.          criteria, the reliability of delivery in multimedia packets can
                                                                   be improved. Several QoS-aware routing protocols have been
    Finally, the analysis of the impact of dynamic cooperative     offered for WMSNs, such as Multi-constrained QoS Routing
range adjustment on the performance of the DDCP routing            Protocol (MCQRP), Energy-Aware QoS Routing (EA-QoSR),
algorithm and the investigation of the optimal range for packet    and Quality-of-Service-based Routing (QoSR). These pro-
reliability enhancement provide important information for op-      tocols employ different mechanisms and metrics to achieve
timizing the performance of the algorithm in practical applica-    QoS-aware routing in WMSNs
tions. The contributions of this work are the Development of a
proposed Distributed Dynamic Cooperation Protocol (DDCP)           3) Cross-Layer Routing:
routing algorithm that prioritizes packet reliability in WM-       Cross-layer routing procedures exploit information from mul-
SNs by leveraging the cooperation of neighboring nodes and         tiple layers of the protocol stack to make routing decisions. By
dynamically adjusting the transmission range, Evaluation of        considering information about the wireless link quality, net-
the performance of the DDCP routing algorithm in terms of          work congestion, and other relevant parameters, cross-layer
packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and energy efficiency     routing algorithms can dynamically adapt the routing paths
through simulations and experiments on a testbed of wireless       to improve packet reliability. For example, if aparticular link
multimedia sensor nodes.                                           is experiencing high packet loss, the routing algorithm can
                                                                   avoid using that link to enhance reliability.
    Demonstration of the efficacy of the proposed DDCP rout-
ing algorithm in enhancing packet dependability and network        4) Load-Balanced Routing:
performance as a whole in WMSNs, making it suitable for a          These load-balanced routing algorithms distribute the traffic
wide range of applications where reliable data transmission is     load across the network by selecting routes that minimize
critical.                                                          congestion and balance the utilization of network resources.
                                                                   By avoiding heavily loaded nodes or congested paths, these
    Packet reliability specifies the capability of delivering the  algorithms can reduce the chances of packet loss and enhance
data from the source to the sink node with the least possi-        reliability. The currently available mechanisms in WMSNs
ble packet loss. Packet reliability in wireless multimedia         are divided into two classes: Routing for single sinks and
sensor networks can be enhanced by using effective routing         multiple sinks.
procedures that consider the network characteristics and the
multimedia data being transmitted. A few approaches that           5) Energy-Aware Routing:
could be utilized to improve packet reliability in WMSNs are       These algorithms consider the energy limitations of sensor
specified below:                                                   nodes in the network. By considering the remaining energy
                                                                   levels of nodes and minimizing energy consumption, these
1) Multipath Routing:                                              algorithms can optimize packet delivery while extending the
                                                                   network lifetime. Energy-aware routing can help ensure reli-
Multiple routes to the destination can be found by a source        able packet delivery by preventing node failures due to energy
node using multipath routing protocols. Traditionally, one of      depletion.
the built-in channels is utilized as the primary path for data
transmission, with the others being utilized in the circum-        6) Reliable Data Dissemination:
stance of failure of the primary path. Instead of relying on a     Some routing algorithms in WMSNs focus on reliable data
single path, multipath routing algorithms establish multiple       dissemination to overcome the challenges posed by unreliable
paths among source and sink nodes. This approach increases         wireless links. These algorithms utilize mechanisms such
reliability as the packets can be sent through alternative paths   as data replication, redundancy, and hop-by-hop error detec-
if any of the paths experience congestion or packet loss. By       tion and correction to improve packet reliability during data
dynamically selecting and utilizing multiple paths, the likeli-    dissemination.
hood of successful packet delivery shall be improved.
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