Page 163 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 163

159 |                                                              Al-Jabry & Al-Asadi

oritize packet reliability and may result in high packet loss      opment of resilient and efficient routing mechanisms in the
rates [3].                                                         realm of wireless multimedia sensor networks.

    To address this problem, this paper proposes a distributed         Previous research in the area of WMSNs has addressed
dynamic cooperative protocol (DDCP) routing algorithm that         the challenge of packet reliability through various routing
enhances packet reliability in WMSNs. The DDCP algorithm           protocols [4], [5]. Traditional routing protocols for wireless
leverages the cooperation of neighboring nodes to improve the      sensor networks, such as AODV and Destination-Sequenced
reliability of data transmission, especially for multimedia ap-    Distance Vector (DSDV) [6], are not optimized for multi-
plications. The algorithm dynamically adjusts the cooperative      media applications and may result in high packet loss rates.
range of nodes based on the wireless channel conditions and        In recent years, several research endeavors have introduced
the distance between nodes, to achieve better packet delivery      novel routing protocols with the primary objective of aug-
rates as shown in Fig. (1).                                        menting packet reliability in WMSNs. Notably, cooperative
                                                                   routing protocols have emerged as promising solutions by
Fig. 1. Network structure and multimedia sensor deployment.        harnessing the cooperative potential of neighboring nodes
                                                                   to enhance the reliability of data transmission. These proto-
    In many applications, dependable packet transfer is es-        cols leverage the redundancy offered by neighboring nodes
sential for smooth network functioning and job completion.         to effectively detect and recover from packet losses, thereby
However, current routing protocols in WMSNs struggle to            bolstering overall packet reliability within WMSNs. Other
achieve high packet reliability, which can cause packet loss, a    studies have proposed hybrid routing protocols that combine
rise in latency, and inefficient consumption of energy. High       traditional routing protocols with other techniques, such as
packet reliability is one of these issues, especially for multi-   forward error correction and packet interleaving, to enhance
media applications that are time-sensitive and prone to packet     packet reliability. These hybrid protocols aim to mitigate the
loss. Reliable data transmission is challenging because of the     effects of packet losses through error correction and retrans-
erratic wireless channel circumstances, constrained range in       mission techniques.
the transmission of sensor nodes, and changing architecture
of WMSNs.                                                              However, existing routing protocols for WMSNs still face
                                                                   challenges in achieving high packet reliability, especially for
    The research presented in this paper holds significant sci-    delay-sensitive multimedia applications [7]. These challenges
entific importance as it tackles a crucial challenge prevalent     arise due to the unpredictable wireless channel conditions, the
in WMSNs, specifically, the reliability of packet transmission.    limited transmission range of sensor nodes, and the dynamic
Through the introduction of an innovative routing algorithm        topology of WMSNs. To address these challenges, this paper
that places a high priority on packet reliability and capitalizes  proposes a distributed dynamic cooperative protocol (DDCP)
on the collaborative potential of neighboring nodes. Addi-         routing algorithm that prioritizes packet reliability and lever-
tionally, this research effectively addresses a gap in current     ages the cooperation of neighboring nodes to improve the
knowledge by proposing a distributed routing protocol that         reliability of data transmission. The DDCP algorithm takes
effectively incorporates the dynamic wireless channel con-         into account the dynamic wireless channel conditions and the
ditions and inter-node distances, areas that have received in-     distance between nodes, in order to adjust the cooperative
adequate attention in existing routing protocols for WMSNs.        range of nodes and achieve better packet delivery rates.
Consequently, this work significantly enriches the field of
WMSN research and provides valuable insights for the devel-            The significance of the proposed distributed dynamic co-
                                                                   operative protocol (DDCP) routing algorithm lies in its po-
                                                                   tential to enhance packet reliability in WMSNs for delay-
                                                                   sensitive multimedia applications. By prioritizing packet reli-
                                                                   ability and leveraging the cooperation of neighboring nodes,
                                                                   the DDCP algorithm aims to achieve better packet delivery
                                                                   rates and reduce packet loss rates in WMSNs [8]. The re-
                                                                   search has several significant implications for the field of
                                                                   WMSNs. Firstly; the development of the DDCP routing al-
                                                                   gorithm offers an approach to enhancing packet reliability
                                                                   in WMSNs. This algorithm takes into account the dynamic
                                                                   wireless channel conditions and the distance between nodes,
                                                                   in order to adjust the cooperative range of nodes and achieve
                                                                   better packet delivery rates. This is a significant improvement
                                                                   over traditional routing protocols such as AODV, which are
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