Page 165 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 165
161 | Al-Jabry & Al-Asadi
The rest of the paper is summarized as follows. Section II protocols.
elaborates on a detailed literature review of various existing
routing algorithms in wireless multimedia sensor networks. In [13], the authors proposed a distributed routing proto-
Section III describes the operational methodology of the pro- col that utilizes a dynamic neighbor selection algorithm and
posed DDCP routing algorithm. The simulation setup and dynamic cooperative range adjustment. Simulation results
hardware for this experimentation are elaborated in Section demonstrate that the proposed protocol enhances packet de-
IV. The experimental outcomes and results are discussed in livery rate and decreases end-to-end delay compared to the
Sections V and VI respectively. The limitations and conclu- conventional protocol.
sions drawn from the study are discussed in Sections VII and
VIII respectively. The cooperative routing protocol put forward by U. K.
Lilhore et al. (2022) [14] addresses the specific challenges
II. LITERATURE REVIEW associated with multimedia traffic. Through the utilization of
a dynamic neighbor selection algorithm, the protocol ensures
In recent years, wireless multimedia sensor networks (WM- efficient and effective routing, catering to the unique require-
SNs) have attracted a growing amount of interest as a result ments of multimedia data transmission with a higher packet
of their widespread application in numerous fields. Due to delivery rate and lower end-to-end delay than the conventional
the dynamic and unpredictable character of the network en- LEACH protocol.
vironment, however, the reliable transmission of multimedia
data in WMSNs remains a difficult task. In response to this The proposed SMTrust protocol enhances the security of
difficulty, numerous studies have proposed cooperative rout- the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks
ing protocols that leverage neighbor cooperation to enhance (RPL) in the Internet of Things (IoT). By incorporating trust
packet reliability. In this literature review, we summarize metrics and considering node mobility, SMTrust defends
and analyze ten recent studies published between 2020 and against RPL Rank and Blackhole attacks. Evaluation results
2022 that propose cooperative routing protocols for enhanc- demonstrate its superiority over other protocols in terms of
ing packet reliability in WMSNs through distributed dynamic packet loss rate, throughput, and topology stability. SMTrust
cooperative protocol routing. We also discuss the methods, undergoes rigorous validation to ensure consistency, optimal-
algorithms, simulation, and experimental results evaluation of ity, and loop-freeness, making it a promising secure routing
these studies and provide insights into their contributions to solution for IoT networks [15].
the field.
A multi-mode hybrid routing mechanism is proposed for
In their work, [9] a distributed cooperative routing pro- heterogeneous IoT networks, where various routing proto-
tocol based on reinforcement learning, which takes network cols may be needed. The mechanism, installed on selected
reliability, energy efficiency, and congestion into account. Ac- nodes termed smart nodes, facilitates interconnection among
cording to simulation results, this protocol is preferable to different IoT networks. A game-theory-based model is in-
conventional routing protocols and increases network reliabil- troduced to optimize intercommunication among the smart
ity. nodes. Simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the
proposed mechanism in broader heterogeneous IoT networks
One such contribution presented by [10], is a cooperative with diverse nodes. This approach addresses the need for
routing protocol that employs a clustering-based method and flexibility and efficiency in routing protocols for IoT networks
a dynamic neighbor selection algorithm. Simulation results comprising different types of nodes [16].
demonstrate that the proposed protocol enhances packet de-
livery rate and decreases end-to-end delay compared to the Authors in [17] presented a power-aware biologically in-
conventional protocol. spired secure autonomous routing protocol (P-BIOSARP)
based on enhanced ant colony optimization (eACO) for fly-
The research of [11] suggests a distributed cooperative ing sensor networks in smart cities. The protocol effectively
routing protocol that prioritizes dependability and employs manages power consumption while ensuring autonomous and
dynamic cooperative range adjustment. Simulation results in- secure routing. Experimental simulations conducted in Net-
dicate that the proposed protocol enhances packet delivery rate work Simulator 2 compare P-BIOSARP with other protocols,
and reduces end-to-end delay compared to the conventional such as BIOSARP, E-BIOSARP, and SRTLD, demonstrating
protocol. its superior performance in terms of energy consumption re-
duction. The proposed protocol offers significant potential for
The research conducted by Seyfollahiet al. [12], examined a higher packet delivery rate and lower end-to-end delay than
a protocol for energy-efficient and trustworthy cooperative existing protocols.
routing based on trust. Simulation results demonstrate that the
proposed protocol has a higher packet delivery rate, lower end- Authors in [18] developed Underwater Wireless Sensor
to-end delay, and lower energy consumption than conventional Networks (UWSNs), where sensor nodes operate on limited
power batteries, extending the network’s lifetime is crucial.