Page 167 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 167

163 |                                                             Al-Jabry & Al-Asadi

                III. METHODOLOGY                                      The proposed architecture of the DDCP algorithm, as
                                                                  depicted in Fig. (3), introduces a novel approach to enhanc-
We propose a distributed Dynamic Collaboration Protocol           ing packet reliability and improving network performance in
(DDCP) routing algorithm to enhance packet reliability in         WMSNs.
WMSNs. The proposed scheme utilizes neighboring node co-
operation to prioritize packet reliability and enhances network   Fig. 3. WSMN architecture for DDCP simulation and
performance overall. The DDCP algorithms are distributed,         performance comparison.
dynamic, and collaborative by design. Utilizing the coop-
eration of adjacent nodes, it dynamically adjusts the trans-          The algorithm dynamically modifies the node’s transmis-
mission range to maximize packet delivery while minimizing        sion range to maximize packet delivery rate while minimizing
energy consumption. The proposed scheme divides the net-          power consumption. The proposed scheme is designed to op-
work into clusters, each of which is led by a cluster leader      erate in a distributed fashion, making it suitable for large-scale
node. The cluster master node is responsible for coordinat-       wireless multimedia sensor networks and scalability.
ing the transmission and reception of packets between cluster
nodes depending on the flowchart as in Fig. (2).                     IV. SIMULATION SETUP AND HARDWARE

    The proposed DDCP routing algorithm is novel in several
ways. Firstly, it prioritizes packet reliability by leveraging
the cooperation of neighboring nodes in WMSNs. This ap-
proach is unique compared to traditional routing protocols
such as AODV, DSR and OLSR which do not consider node
cooperation as a primary factor in enhancing packet reliability.
Secondly, the DDCP algorithm dynamically adjusts the trans-
mission range to achieve a balance between packet delivery
rate and energy consumption, which is not commonly found in
other routing algorithms. Additionally, the proposed scheme
divides the network into clusters, each with a cluster leader
node responsible for coordinating packet transmission and
reception, enabling better network scalability and efficiency.

Fig. 2. Flowchart of DDCP Routing Algorithm for WMSNs.            A. Experimental Setup

                                                                  A testbed at a wireless multimedia sensor network node was
                                                                  used to run simulations to gauge the effectiveness of the sug-
                                                                  gested DDCP routing algorithm. NS2 was used to run the
                                                                  simulation. The computer used has an Intel Core i7 CPU, 16
                                                                  GB of RAM, and a 500 GB hard drive, the emulation was
                                                                  carried out. The WMSN node utilized in the simulation con-
                                                                  forms with IEEE 802.11b/g/n and runs at 2.4 GHz. These
                                                                  nodes possess omnidirectional antennas having a maximum
                                                                  transmit power of 15 dBm, and their topmost data rate is 54
                                                                  Mbps. A simulated region of 100m x 100m encompassed
                                                                  nodes scattered randomly across it.

                                                                      The packets were sent from the source node to the desti-
                                                                  nation node over time. The packet size was set at 1024 bytes,
                                                                  and the time between transmissions was 100 milliseconds.
                                                                  The performance of the suggested DDCP routing method is
                                                                  assessed using simulation factors such as packet delivery rate
                                                                  (PDR), end-to-end delay, and energy efficiency. PDR is de-
                                                                  fined as the proportion of packets transmitted and received by
                                                                  the destination and source nodes, respectively. The amount of
                                                                  time needed for a packet to go from its source node to its desti-
                                                                  nation node is known as end-to-end latency. The total amount
                                                                  of energy a node uses during the simulation is the definition of
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