Page 88 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 88

84 |                                                                                                                   Ali & Rashid
     The Naphtha HDS with Stabilization and Splitting Unit
                                                                          Fig. 2: DRUM D5204 schematic diagram.
(U7501) is designed for feedstock preparation for newly built
Catalytic Reforming and Isomerization Units within Basrah                        III. MATHEMATICAL MODEL
Refinery.                                                           Process modeling is a useful tool for doing process
                                                               synthesis, analysis, or operational optimization. There are
     Naphtha feed from U7501 to a Catalytic Reforming unit     three types of models: black box, white box, and gray box
typically contains C6 to C11 paraffin, naphthenic, and         models. In this essay, the first and second classes are not
aromatics. The purpose of this reforming process is to         discussed. It is because experimental models are dependent
produce high-octane aromatics from naphthenic and paraffin     on data that they lack the specialized process knowledge that
for use as a high-octane gasoline blending component.          they are called " experimental ". Physical models and white
                                                               boxes are utilized because they demand thorough
     The D5204 vapor phase constitutes hydrogen                comprehension of the laws and theories guiding all of the
production. Part of the hydrogen production upstream of the    actions involved. Semi physical models based on mass and
pressure control valve is used in the naphtha hydrotreatment   energy balances are used here to simulate the flash process.
unit as make-up that is all noticed in Fig. 2. The remaining   A. Mathematical model for RD D5204 (separator or flash
hydrogen-rich gas is routed to the hydrogen-rich gas network   drum).
at 24 bar g. The separated liquid from RD D5204 is sent             By using the flash drum (separator drum) expressed in
under level control to the stabilization section. The work     Fig. 3 that has the following specification data:
preview descriptor for RD D5204 emphasizes the                      Item Tag: 7502-D5204. The mixture is available at (25)
importance of strong performance management for levels         bar, (45) oC. At steady state, the molar inlet is (1159.01)
and pressures to provide optimal functioning.                  kmole/h or 48141 kg/h and gravity 759 kg/m3. This stream
                                                               will be in two-phase the liquid by 85% and vapor by 15%
             Fig. 1: UNIT 7501 in Basrah Refinery.             with pressure (25). The physical separator occurs in a flash
                                                               tank of 5.2 m in height and 1.6 m in diameter. Liquid-vapor
                                                               equilibrium consolidates in the flash drum. Because there is
                                                               enough difference between the relative volatility, the current
                                                               liquid that leaves the tank for the bottom contains a large
                                                               percentage of (reformate + LPG + off-gas) at pressure 25.5
                                                               bar and gravity 834.9 kg/m3 also from top leaves rich gas
                                                               (65-70 %) H2 + C1, C2, C3 … at pressure 25 bar.
                                                                    To apply the conservation principle to all determined
                                                               Process systems. Over each PS, it is advised to do the
                                                               following balances: one total mass balance, n component
                                                               mass balance, and total energy balance. When there are
                                                               significant pressure or density variations in the process,
                                                               momentum balancing is utilized. The Dynamics Balance
                                                               Equations (DBE) are balance equations that assume that all
                                                               balances are originally dynamic. If the process contains
                                                               certain static characteristics, some of these can be converted
                                                               to static equations. The mass and energy balance is
                                                               established in the flash process being discussed here [8].
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