Page 86 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 86

Received: 05 February 2022              Revised: 03 March 2022  Accepted: 04 March 2022
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.18.1.10
                                                                                         Vol. 18| Issue 1| June 2022
                                                                                                                 ? Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original Article

Design PI Controller for Tank Level in Industrial

                                              Anwer Abdulkareem Ali*, Mofeed Turky Rashid
                                    Electrical Engineering Department, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq

* Anwer Abdulkareem Ali
Electrical Engineering Department,
University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq

In today's chemical, refinery, and petrochemical sectors, separation tanks are one of the most significant separating processes.
One or more separation tanks must operate consistently and reliably for multiple facilities' safe and efficient operation.
Therefore, in this paper, a PI controller unit has been designed to improve the performance of the tank level controller of the
industrial process in Basrah Refinery Station. The overall system mathematical model has been derived and simulated by
MATLAB to evaluate the performance. Further, to improve the performance of the tank level controller, optimal PI parameters
should be calculated, which Closed-Loop PID Autotuner has been used for this task. Several experiments have been conducted
to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The results indicated that the PI controller based on the Autotuner Method
is superior to the conventional PI controller in terms of ease to implement and configuration also less time to get optimal PI
KEYWORDS: Tank level controller, Industrial process, Refinery Unit, PID controller, PID Autotuner.

                         I. INTRODUCTION                        or separation process within production units is that it is
                                                                extremely sensitive to input disturbances: temperature,
     Tank level control is one of the most common               concentration, level, and mass flow in the feed current all
applications in the industry [1-3]. In industry, several        have a significant impact on flash separation efficiency. In
approaches and techniques for level control are used. It's      this case, a thorough control system must be established to
necessary to keep track of liquid levels in process tanks [4].  decline the effects of stream vapor or liquid disruption. Level
Mass flow rate regulation is utilized in a range of             (liquid phase) and pressure (vapor phase) are directly
technological applications, including steam generators in       affected by changes in separation variation (how much liquid
power plants, reactors in several chemical industries, and      and vapor flow from intake valve to flash tank) [8].
storage tanks in the oil and gas industry [5]. The tanks were
sized based on the fluid flow characteristics and rates that         In refining and gas processing, the separation of liquids
would be observed.                                              and particles from a gas stream is critical. The two controllers
                                                                can keep the level and temperature (and indirectly the
     The liquid-phase hydrocarbon was the subject of            pressure) around the intended levels during normal
research, and it was split into three stages. A two-phase       operation, assuming that process equipment such as pressure
separator, which separates fluid into gas and liquid phases,    sensors and valves are working properly [9]. However,
was used in the first step [6]. A two-phase vapor separator is  several fault conditions may result in an unsafe situation in
a device that separates vapor from a vapor-liquid               which excessively high pressure in the drum is obtained
combination using a density gradient. One of the most           (possible causes of such unsafe conditions could include
important input facilities for oil refineries is phase          faults in the top vapor effluent valve and the bottom liquid
separators. The combined-head streams' combined gaseous         effluent valve that cause them to close) [10].
and liquid components are separated as part of the initial
petroleum refining [7]. Such separations are generally caused        Recontacting Drum D5204(RD) is a separator vessel
by physical property changes in the fluid stream. There are     used in Iraq's Basrah Refinery to boost gasoline output.
two or more phases with different compositions in               Because the liquid leaving the tank towards the bottom
heterogeneous mixtures. Chemical reactions do not occur         comprises a substantial amount of (reformate, LPG, and off-
between the components of these mixtures, and the stages'       gas), liquid control is critical for this drum to retain these
borders are well defined. One of the drawbacks of the flash     components available in the drum for other operations.

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reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering by College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                          82
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