Page 87 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 87
Ali & Rashid | 83
Before entering RD, the Recontacted combination process robustness. Similarly, L. has been suggested a new
(vapor and liquid) is chilled with cooling water in the RD proportional—integral—derivative (PID) controller auto-
Cooler. tuners using frequency sampling filters (FSFs) for the
estimation of plant frequency response information under
Two PI controllers control the liquid level and pressure relay feedback control [19]. Additionally, K.
in the flash drum, and this control system also includes a Sinthipsomboon et al. have formulated a hybrid of fuzzy and
pressure relief valve. The three PID controllers have distinct fuzzy self-tuning PID controller for motor speed control of a
actions in the process. The proportional controller (Kp) SEHS. The described control technique consists of two
reduced rise time reduces but does not eliminate steady-state components: a fuzzy controller and a fuzzy self-tuning PID
error. Integral control (KI) eliminates steady-state error but controller [20]. Despite various approaches available to
may exacerbate abrupt response. A derivative control (KD) develop PID controllers for integrated systems, a review of
improves system stability, reduces overshoot, and improves the literature suggests that there is still room to enhance the
transient responsiveness. When the valve regulating the performance and durability of these controllers. For the
outlet vapor stream from the drum fails, modifying the tuning regulation of integrating processes, many authors presented
parameters of one of the other PI controllers while the safety a complicated structure with a large number of controllers.
system is activated improves closed-loop performance
compared to the case where the tuning parameters of that PI In this paper, a part of the operation process represented
controller remain the same. by the “Enhancing Gasoline Production” unit has been
studied that is located in Basrah Refinery, South of Iraq to
Despite the evolution of more advanced control improve the performance of this system that already has a PI
techniques, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller but with manual tuning. This operation process is
controllers are still widely used in the process industries [11]. performed by a separator drum, in which a mathematical
PI controllers are often used to control industrial process model of this drum is derived and then the performance of
variables (e.g., position, speed, current, temperature, the process operation is evaluated by MATLAB. PID
pressure, humidity, and level); in reality, the derivative controller has been designed to improve the performance of
section is usually turned off due to measurement noise. For the system, in which optimal PID parameters have been
pressure and level control in gas tanks, a PI controller is evaluated to achieve the best performance. Two methods are
sufficient. Adding the derivative element, on the other hand, used to evaluate the PID parameters, the first one by Ziegler
improves closed-loop stability and shortens the time it takes and Nichols method [21] and the second one by Autotuning
for the step response to climb [12]. Proportional, integral, method with new philosophy obtain. The proffered system is
and derivative control are the three components of PID simulated by MATLAB, and the results show the response
control, and determining the ideal value for these parameters has less overshoot, faster settle time, and is more resistant to
without knowing anything about the plant is difficult. disturbances.
Throughout the previous many decades, various open and
closed-loop-based tuning procedures have been submitted. This paper is organized as follows: In section II, there is
All tuning methods demonstrate how to find the optimal PID a description Enhancing Gasoline Production unit in Basrah
parameter value [13,14]. Refinery. Section III presents the modeling of the separator
drum system and PID controller auto-tuning. Section IV will
Tuning processes have the same goal which is to find show experiments and results for several scenarios in the
PID settings that allow the plant to overshoot less, settle case of manual and auto PID tuning. Finally, in Section V,
faster, and be more robust to disturbances. Various strategies conclusions have been presented.
for tuning PID controllers for integrating systems with time
delay have been presented in the literature. S. K. Pandey et II. BACKGROUND
al. were offered an auto-tuning algorithm for PID control
parameters[13]. A simple PID auto-tuning algorithm is South Refineries Company was founded in 1969
developed to implement and be applicable for the heating through the establishment of Basrah Refinery, which began
and cooling process. N.-S. Pai et al. have been suggested a production in 1974 by establishing (Refining Unit No. 1),
calculation method of a practical PI/PID controller tuning for which is mentioned in Fig. 1 which is one of the major
integrating processes with dead time and inverse response manufacturing units in the country where the production of
based on a model [15]. Analytical expressions for PI/PID oil derivatives using the latest scientific methods and
controller settings based on the model using a direct advanced technology in production, which resemble their
synthesis method for disturbance rejection (DS-d). when F. high-quality products, including foreign and meets the
Padula et al were presented tuning rules for integer-order and requirements of consumers. And continue to modernize and
fractional-order PID controllers [16]. The tuning rules have expand the company diversify their products and improve
been devised to minimize the integrated absolute error with quality, it has been done by the establishment of a refinery
a constraint on the maximum sensitivity. In 2016, K. Amoura and the second unit to improve gasoline and oil refinery [22].
et al. offered an experiential method for tuning a new type of Tasks of the company are:
fractional controller known as PID-Fractional-Order-Filter 1) Product the following: (Gasoline, Kerosene, Light gas
(FOF-PID) [17]. Furthermore, D. Castellanos-Cárdenas et al.
have been submitted an IMC-based PID tuning method for oil, diesel, Fuel oil, marine fuel oil, LPG, jet fuel)
inverse-response second-order plus, dead time systems [18]. 2) Product oils such as (Base lube oil grade 30, Pale 600k,
The tuning rules are based on the optimization of an
objective function that combines performance and Spindle oil, Bright Stock)
3) Plastic cans (capacity 1 liter, 5 liters), iron drums (200