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Hamed & Yassin                                                       | 79

Security Features                                            TABLE 4
Mutual Authentication              COMPARISON WITH OTHER RELATED WORKS
Anonymous& Untraceable
Forward Secrecy                                    [4] [22] [29] [30] [32] [34] Our
Key Agreement                                     YES NO YES YES YES YES YES
Key Freshness                                      NO NO YES NO NO YES YES
MITM Attack                                       YES NO YES NO YES YES YES
Replay Attack                                      NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
Eavesdropping Attack                               NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
Stolen Personal Device                             NO YES YES NO YES YES YES
Healthcare Phase                                  YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
                                                   NO NO NO NO NO YES YES
                                                   NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
                                                   NO NO NO NO NO NO YES

B. Communication cost                                                authentication method based on cryptosystem tools in order to
                                                                     address the problems identified in the previous study. Because
     During the login and authentication step , the cost of sent     security threats and demands differ, our solutions focus on
                                                                     patient authentication and privacy. Keep this information
messages is calculated. we assumed the identity size is 32 bit,      private and away from unwanted access. The proposed system
                                                                     will be able to fight off attacks like Man-in-the-Middle, Insider,
the hash value’s size is 160 bits[41], the cipher text value size    Replay, and more. It's safe to use features like mutual
is 128 bit, we also compare our proposed scheme with other           authentication, anomalies, key management, and other things
related works based on Table 5 below.                                that are safe. Achieve a balance between speed and security. In
                                                                     the future, we will focus on administrators using two-factor
                                TABLE 5                              authentication. First-factor biometrics (password and user
                    COMMUNICATION COST                               name) and second-factor biometrics (fingerprint) improve the
                                                                     security of electronic health records patient HER, which is more
Authors                No of bits  No of messages                    secure than traditional authentication factors.

Zhang et al.[29]        1568       4                                                        CONFLICT OF INTEREST

Kaul et al. [30]        768        4                                    The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this
Yassin et al. [39]      576        2
Taher et al.[40]        1660       3
                                                                     [1] Y. Zhuang, L. R. Sheets, Y.-W. Chen, Z.-Y. Shae, J. J. Tsai,
Our Scheme              608        3                                   and C.-R. Shyu, "A patient-centric health information
                                                                       exchange framework using blockchain technology," IEEE
                          VII. CONCLUSIONS                             journal of biomedical and health informatics, vol. 24, no. 8,
                                                                       pp. 2169-2176, 2020.
     EHRs enable authorized health stakeholders to share
                                                                     [2] E. T. Jasim and H. A. Younis, "Cryptanalysis and Security
structured medical data in order to improve healthcare delivery        Enhancement of a Khan et al.'s Scheme," IOSR Journal of
                                                                       Computer Engineering, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 08-16, 2015.
quality. In these systems, privacy and security are critical, since
if sensitive information is leaked, the patient might face serious   [3] V. Jaiman and V. Urovi, "A consent model for blockchain-
consequences. Concerns about security and privacy are seen as          based health data sharing platforms," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.
important barriers in the healthcare system. Remote user               143734-143745, 2020.
authentication is a crucial step in authenticating a person's
identity. There have been a number of techniques for remote          [4] M. T. Chen and T. H. Lin, "A Provable and Secure Patient
user authentication, each with their own set of advantages and         Electronic Health Record Fair Exchange Scheme for Health
disadvantages. We propose a secure user authentication scheme          Information Systems," Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 5, p.
for patients in the healthcare system that uses Scyther, a formal      2401, 2021.
security tool, to confirm the security of the proposed work. In
the healthcare setting, our work enables the creation of an          [5] S. Vishnu, S. J. Ramson, and R. Jegan, "Internet of medical
environment capable of setting, registering, storing, finding,         things (IoMT)-An overview," in 2020 5th international
analyzing, authenticating, and validating electronic healthcare        conference on devices, circuits and systems (ICDCS), 2020:
information in order to secure patient information. The                IEEE, pp. 101-104.
suggested work uses a lightweight crypto-hash function for the
creation of One-Time Passwords (OTP) and symmetric key
encryption (Counter mode (CTR mode) to provide good
security while maintaining adequate performance. As a result,
the primary goal of this study is to develop a reliable
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