Page 82 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 82

78 |                                                                                                   Hamed & Yassin

                  VI. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS                                              TABLE 2
                                                             COMPUTATION COST COMPARISION WITH OTHER
A. Computation Cost
                                                                                    RELATED WORKS
     The computational cost is used to determine the time
complexity of the proposed scheme. Table 2 compares the      Term      Meaning                         Time needed
computational costs of the most important related schem and  ????
our work and Figure 12, as well as our work with other       ???       The time allotted to the crypto hash 0.0023 ms
related works. Table 3 shows key security feature            ????????  function
comparisons between the proposed scheme and previous         ????????
works. Moreover, depending on[38], the processing times for            The processing time for the XOR Negligible
the basic functions are approximately as follows. Using the            operation
rules in the following:
                                                                       The processing time for a symmetric 0.0046 ms
            Fig. 12: Computation Cost Comparison
                                                                       encryption function.

                                                                       The processing time for a 0.0046 ms

                                                                       symmetric decryption Function.

                                                             ??|| The processing time for the          Negligible
                                                                      Concatenation operation.

                                                                  According to the aforementioned comparisons, the
                                                             suggested system has a lower time complexity (5 ??h +
                                                             2 ???????? + 5 ??? + 2???????? ) = 0.0299 than previous relevant
                                                             studies. We see that the suggested system has a fair mix of

                                                             performance and security aspects (see Table 3).

                                            TABLE 3

    Scheme        Registration Phase      Login and Authentication Phases                       Total Cost

  Zhang et al.    4??h + 5??? + 5???          18 ??h + 27 ??? + 19???                   22 ??h + 32??? + 24???
      [29]       6 ??h + 6 ??? + 6 ??? +                                                         ˜ 0.0506
                                               10 ??h + 20 ??? + 10 ???
  Kaul et al.             1????????                                                16 ??h + 26 ??? + 16 ??? + 1????????
       [30]              + 1????????       13 ??h + 12 ??? + 6??? + 2????????                     + 1????????
                                                        + 2????????                              ˜ 0.046
  Yassin et al.  5 ??h + 2 ??? + 1???
   [39]                                   2???????? + 2???????? + 6 ??h + 3 ??? +   18 ??h + 14 ??? + 7??? + 2????????
                  5 ??h + 3 ??? + 4 ???                    5???                                   + 2????????
Taher et al.                                                                                     ˜ 0.0598
                                                                                     11 ??h + 6??? + 9??? + 2????????
                                                                                                           + 2????????

                                                                                                ˜ 0.0437

Our Scheme       2 ??h +2??||             3??h+3 ??? + 2???????? + 2????????       5 ??h + 2 ???????? + 5 ??? + 2????????
                                                                                                        ˜ 0.0299
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87