Page 55 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 55

Al-Jrew, Mahmood & Ali                                                                                                              | 51

   The third form of multilevel inverter is the capacitor        overall efficiency of the system. Many modulation methods
clamped multilevel inverter illustrated in Fig. 3, also known    have been introduced for multilevel inverter. For multilevel
as a fly-wheel capacitor inverter .The primary distinction       inverters, modulation methods and control paradigms like
between the two topologies, capacitor clamped and a diode        sine PWM, selective harmonic elimination and space vector
clamped multilevel inverter is that the diode is replaced with   modulation have been developed [22].
a capacitor in the capacitor clamped multilevel inverter. To
generate an n-level staircase output voltage, the number of           Controlling the output voltage and current may be
capacitors needed is (n-1). A number of supplemental             accomplished using modulation methods. The modulation
capacitors are added and clamped across switches in a ladder     signal's primary aim in MLI is to generate a stepped
construction, so that each capacitor branch carries a distinct   waveform that is closely similar to the reference signal,
voltage value, which allows mathematical exploitation of the     which is typically sinusoidal. To achieve a sinusoidal
output voltage [20]. The major disadvantage in this topology     waveform, modulation techniques are categorize into three
is large number of capacitors is required when output voltage    types: amplitude, frequency, and fundamental component
level is high also the complexity in the inverter control [21].  modulation [23].

   In general, the only drawback of a multilevel inverter is          The multicarrier PWM methods has been utilized in this
the need for a large number of switches to produce a variety     present work. These methods can be divide in to two types,
of voltage levels number. This increment in the number of        phase shift and level shift. Phase Shift modulation is a
switches leads to increase the complexity of controlling         multicarrier modulation method in which all carrier waves
method and high cost. The suggested topology employs a           are phase shifted from one another. The number of voltage
low number of power switches, which not only reduces the         level relates to the number of carriers. All carriers must have
number of driving circuits but also results in excellent         similar frequency and peak-to-peak amplitude.
                                                                      The level shift multicarrier modulation method have the
                                                                 same relation between voltage levels and carriers number as
                                                                 phase shift. This technique differs from phase shift in the
                                                                 disposition of the triangular carriers [24].

                                                                      The level shift can be subdivide into three subcategories
                                                                 according to the carriers’ phase disposition, Inverted phase
                                                                 disposition, phase opposition disposition and alternative
                                                                 phase opposition disposition. In this paper, we focused on
                                                                 these techniques and compared among them for the proposed
                                                                 five level inverter and the two conventional MLI topologies.

                                                                                    IV. PROPOSED TOPOLOGY

                                                                    The suggested five-level inverter topology is a combined
                                                                 of two conventional topologies, the cascade H-bridge and
                                                                 neutral point clamped multilevel inverter. The suggested
                                                                 five-level inverter's circuit schematic is illustrated in Fig. 4.
                                                                 It is made up of six MOSFET switching devices designated
                                                                 as (SW1, SW2... SW6) and two power diodes designated as
                                                                 (D1 and D2). Two identical capacitors (C1 and C2) has been
                                                                 used to divide the input DC voltage source by connecting
                                                                 them in parallel with the source. Through the two MOSFET
                                                                 switches (SW1 and SW2) and the two power diodes (D1 and
                                                                 D2), the divided voltage transferred to the H-bridge.

Fig.3: Structure of flying capacitor multilevel inverter         Fig.4: Proposed five level inverter

     The modulation techniques play an important rule for
multilevel inverter since they are directly related to the
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