Page 59 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 59

Al-Jrew, Mahmood & Ali                                                                                                         | 55
                                  (c)                       1 and can be lowered to 25.74% when the modulation index
                                  (d)                       equal to 1.1.

                                                               Fig.12: THD vs Ma for Proposed, CHB and NPC five
                                                                                        levels inverter

                                                                 In terms of efficiency, the cascade H bridge inverter
                                                            efficiency is 83.03%, while it’s 79.82% for the neutral
                                                            clamped inverter. The proposed topology of the five level
                                                            inverter reaches 98.09% which is the highest as compared to
                                                            the two conventional topologies.

                                                                 The comparison analysis for the two conventional MLI
                                                            topologies has been made under the three different
                                                            techniques of level shift pulse width modulation and
                                                            different modulation index values. The results of cascade
                                                            H-bridge and neutral point clamped MLI are listed and
                                                            summarized in TABLE II and TABLE III, respectively.

                                                                                          TABLE II
                                                            SIMULATION RESULTS OF CHB FIVE LEVEL INVERTER UNDER

                                                                                              DIFFERENT MA

                                                                                          TABLE II
                                                            SIMULATION RESULTS OF NC FIVE LEVEL INVERTER UNDER

                                                                                       DIFFERENT MA

                                   (e)                           The cascade H-bridge inverter-based LS-PD has a
                        Fig. 11: Continued.                 minimal percentage of THD of 29.23 % and the highest
     The THD of the three topologies has been determined    efficiency of 83.03%. While the highest DC power was
using different value of modulation index Ma as shown in    reached using LS-APOD PWM at 7105 w. The RMS voltage
Fig. 12. The results show that the lowest value of THD can  is almost the same using different level shift PWM
be obtained is 29.47% when the modulation index equal to    techniques under different modulation index values as shown
                                                            in TABLE II.
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