Page 119 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 119

Jasim & Jasim                                                                                                                                   | 115

      As inputs to the MPPT fuzzy logic controller, the error                  The fuzzy rules are written as:
E(n)=?P/?V and the change in voltage ?V (the user has the                           ? If dv is Neg. and dp/dv>0 then ?D is 1
                                                                                    ? If dv is Neg. and dp/dv<0 then ?D is -0.2
option to choose the inputs of this Controller) were utilized.                      ? If dv is Pos. and dp/dv>0 then ?D is 0.1
                                                                                    ? If dv is Pos. and dp/dv<0 then ?D is -0.8
Since dP/dV diminishes at MPP, then:
                                                                               The duty ratio change (?D) is added to the PWM generator's
                   E(n) = P(n)-P(n-1)                                     (3)  input, which consists of an integral and comparator with a
                                                                          (4)  saw tooth wave as a reference voltage.
                                                                                     The power declines over time, with the most power
               ?V(n) = V(n) - V(n - 1)                                         accessible at lower temperatures, as seen in (Beriber and
                                                                               Talha, 2013 [35]). Furthermore, according to (Younis et al.
The fuzzy logic controller output, which is generally a                        2012 [36]), when a PV panel is directly connected to a load,
change in duty ratio (?D) of the power converter, may be                       the load impedance defines the PV module's operating state,
searched up in a rule base table if E and ?V are computed                      and only the optimal load allows the PV module to collect
                                                                               the maximum power. Lodhi et al. 2017 [37] offered a
and translated to linguistic variables. The linguistic variables               comparison of the P&O approach with the Incremental
(allocated to ?D for various combinations of E and ?V) are                     Conductance (IC) method under stable and dynamic weather
                                                                               conditions. However, as compared to the P&O technique, IC
determined by the power converter in use as well as the user's                 hardware design is more difficult. While P&O systems are
understanding. The fuzzy logic controller output ?D is                         straightforward, the operating point oscillates about MPP,
                                                                               resulting in considerable power loss.
changed from a linguistic variable to a numerical variable
                                                                                     In current work, there are two operation modes of the
during the defuzzification stage [34].                                         boost converter to regulate the PV array: maximum power
                                                                               point tracking (MPPT) and curtailment. In mode 1, a fuzzy
      Fuzzy logic-based MPPT controllers have proven to be                     logic based MPPT algorithm calculates the boost converter
                                                                               duty cycle to ensure maximum power extraction from the
effective in a variety of atmospheric circumstances.                           array for a given solar irradiation. The duty cycle of the boost
                                                                               converter is adjusted to follow the active power reference in
However, their success is heavily reliant on the user's or                     curtailment mode as shown in Fig.9.
control engineer's ability to select the appropriate error
                                                                                     The boost converters' output voltage (DC bus voltage)
computation and create the rule basis table. Whereas                           is 1000V. A three-level inverter (with a switching frequency
                                                                               of 2340 Hz) transforms the 1000 V DC to about 500 V AC.
increasing the number of linguistic variables improves the                     The inverter is regulated by a DC voltage regulator, whose
                                                                               function it is to keep the DC link voltage at 1000V no matter
output accuracy, it also increases the system's complexity.                    how much active power the PV arrays supply. To link the
                                                                               inverter to the microgrid, an LC power filter can be adopted
Fuzzy technique is used to obtain the MPP in this paper, and                   in AC side and a 1-MVA 480V/600V three-phase coupling
a Proportional Integral (PI) controller is adopted to control                  transformer is utilized (see Fig.1).

the boost when a curtailment operation is required.

                +_              dv  Fuzzy MPPT
         Delay       ?
                                      Fuzzy rule
V (k) ×  P (k)       × dp           Defuzzification

I (k)            +_             dv



Fig.7: the fuzzy logic controller's block diagram

Fig.8: Membership Functions: (a) Change in voltage (b)                         Fig.9 control method of PV-connected boost converter
                        Change in dp/dv                                        cascaded with inverter for MPPT and power curtailment

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