Page 116 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 116

112 |                                                                                                                     Jasim & Jasim

disaster. This notion, however, comes with its own set of          used to create a grid-connected microgrid system that will
issues, such as quick and precise islanding detection,             only run in response to demand changes and virtual power
effective regulation of voltages and frequencies inside the M-     plant (VPP) requests. In 2021 [16], K.Rayudu et al, presented
grid, detecting loss of synchronization and addressing the         a mathematical model of a M-grid composed of a wind
overload problems.                                                 power generation and PV system that are integrated into the
                                                                   utility grid, and a PI Controller for controlling the transition
     Many studies have been conducted in this context by a         from grid-connected mode to island mode, with each DG
lot of researchers to solve the concerns mentioned above,          inverter set to constant current control mode to provide
such as, Wang, J. et al. in 2018 [7] and Zacharia, L et al. in     preset power to the main grid. In an islanding situation, each
2019 [8] developed M-grid energy management systems to             DG inverter is connected to voltage control mode when it
schedule the M-grid operation in each time step. In 2020 [9],      disconnects from the main grid. In 2021 [17], Nihad
Xiaoling Xiong and Yuchen Yang, proposed photovoltaic              Abdulkhudhur Jasim and Majli Nema Hawas proposed an
based DC microgrid (PVDCM) system which consists of a              isolated DC M-grid, utilizing solar photovoltaic (PV) as the
solar power system, a battery connected to the common bus          RER source to deliver power to resistive DC charges, as well
via a boost converter and a bidirectional buck/boost               as a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) for battery and
converter, respectively. While the photovoltaic (PV) panels        supercapacitor. To test this suggested technique for
may be operating in MPPT mode or constant voltage mode,            managing the DC bus voltage, several situations of load and
electricity can flow bidirectionally between the battery and       solar insolation fluctuation are simulated. When the output
the load. In 2020 [10], K. Rajasekhara Reddy et al.                waveforms with and without HESS are examined, a
introduced a full examination of the few variants of the grid      favorable decrease in transient voltage is found if the HESS
connected PV inverter system, as well as its control               is used. In 2021 [18], Mehmet Emin Akdogan and Sara
technique for tracking maximum power and producing                 Ahmed developed a modified reverse droop management
pulses to achieve the needed output power. In 2020 [11],           strategy in the Energy Storage System (ESS) to improve
Lucas O. Mogaka et al proposed a control method for an             three-phase PCC voltage quality in multi-microgrids
operation of M-grid powered by RERs capable of operating           (MMG). In 2021 [19], Mathiesen, P. et al. developed a power
in both grid connected and islanded modes. When the M-             balancing technique for optimizing distributed energy
grid is disconnected from the main grid, the RERs controller       resource investments in the intra-hour fluctuation of solar
system detects an islanding condition and switches to a            and demand of a home M-grid for building the M-grid
voltage control mode. The interface control is meant to give       strategy. This strategy helps to limit the risks of intra-hour
consistent active and reactive electricity to the grid in on grid  forecasting variations. In 2021 [20], Mwaka I. Juma et al.
mode. After adequate resynchronization, an islanding               proposed thorough design of the freestanding DC microgrid,
detection algorithm will put the inverter into voltage control     as well as the detailed design of the DC bus voltage
mode without harming the important loads if the grid is            controller, which is the MPPT-based PI control algorithm
unplugged. In 2020 [12], Bilal Naji Alhasnawi and Basil H.         with DC bus voltage regulation. The Ziegler–Nichols
Jasim, employed a home energy management system that               approach was used to fine-tune.
alternates between distributed energy and grid power
sources. The home energy management system includes                     The present research's contributions can be summarized
controllers for MPPT, battery charge and discharge, and an         in the following points:
inverter for effective regulation between different sources
based on load requirements and source availability at                   ? The dynamic operation of a M-grid consisting of
maximum PowerPoint. In addition, MPPT approach has                           (PV, BESS, and loads) linked/unlinked to the utility
been applied to the PV to collect the maximum power from                     grid is studied and simulated.
the hybrid power system when climatic circumstances
change. In 2020 [13], Bilal Naji Alhasnawi and Basil H.                 ? Grid-following mode, PQ control, and irradiance
Jasim proposed distributed coordinated control for hybrid                    fluctuation are studied.
M-grid, which might be used in both grid-connected and
islanded modes with hybrid energy supplies and changing                 ? Grid-following, grid-forming procedure and a
loads. The suggested system enables the coordinated                          resynchronization between them are performed.
operation of distributed energy resources to provide active
power and extra service as needed. In addition, MPPT                    ? Maximum power point tracking from solar PV has
approach has been used on both solar stations and wind                       been achieved using Perturb and Observe (P & O)
turbines. In 2020 [14], Bilal Naji Alhasnawi and Basil H ,                   algorithm and fuzzy logic techniques.
proposed an energy management system to satisfy the
demand, a hybrid system with distribution electric grid,                ? Grid-forming mode and solar plant curtailment
photovoltaic, and batteries was used as an energy source in                  have been carried out.
the consumer's home. In 2021 [15], Heesang Ko et al
presented a strategy for coordinating supervisory power. The            ? Detection and diagnosis the faults types using the
primary goal is to limit the penetration of additional                       discrete wavelet transform are performed.
electricity from RERs into the grid, hence preventing
curtailments. To make it practical, the suggested approach is           ? PQ control and imbalance (negative sequence)
                                                                             correction are introduced as an ancillary services.

                                                                              II. PROPOSED SYSTEM CONFIGURATION

                                                                        The adopted electrical energy network is depicted in
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