Page 117 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 117

Jasim & Jasim                                                                                                                             | 113

               Fig. 1: The adopted electrical energy network

     The proposed M-grid is made up of the following major             The I-V behavior of the circuit model comprised of one
components: Distribution System, BESS, Solar PV and              diode and two resistors is specified by the equation (1)[21].
600V Load.
                                                                 ??           =  ??????  -  ????  {exp  (??+??????)  -  1}  -  ??+??????  (1)
1) Distribution System                                                                                                          ????h
     A 120-kV grid equivalent, 25-kV feeders and                                                           ??????

transformers are used to represent the electrical grid. To link  where ?????? is the photocurrent delivered by the constant
the microgrid to the distribution system, a three-phase
breaker and a 25-kV/600V transformer are needed. In the          current source; ???? is the diode's reverse saturation current; ????
grid branch, a single-phase load can be activated to cause a
grid imbalance.                                                  is the series resistor that accounts for losses in cell solder

2) Solar Power Plant                                             bonds, interconnection, junction box, and so on; ????h is the
      Figure 2 depicts the equivalent circuit of a PV cell       shunt resistor that accounts for current leakage through the

based on a single diode model, which can be represented as       high conductivity shunts across the p-n junction; and ?? is the
a diode, current source, series resistance, and parallel
resistance.                                                      ideality factor that accounts for the diodes' deviation from

Fig. 2: Single diode based equivalent circuit of a PV cell       Shockley diffusion theory. ???? is not an unknown parameter;
                                                                 it is the diode's thermal voltage and is affected by the electron

                                                                 charge, q, the Boltzmann constant, k, the number of cells in

                                                                 series, n, and the temperature, T:

                                                                                                  ????  =n????                            (2)


                                                                 The equivalent circuit parameters must be changed to match

                                                                 the behavior of the equivalent circuit of the solar cell/panel

                                                                 testing findings. This adjustment can be made numerically
                                                                 [22,23–28] or analytically [28–31]; based on empirically

                                                                 recorded I-V curves or just on data from the manufacturers'


                                                                 The solar plant comprises of a PV array capable of

                                                                 producing 1 MW at 1000 W/m2 of solar irradiance and a cell
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