Page 118 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 118

114 |                                                                                                                   Jasim & Jasim

temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. Figure 3 depicts the                    steady state operation, resulting in fluctuating
adopted PV array characteristics.                                          converter output.
                                                                      ? It can also track in the opposite direction, away
      A boost converter is linked to the PV array and MPPT                 from the MPP, when irradiance levels are quickly
controller controls the boost. The MPP's exact position is                 increasing or falling.
uncertain, as it shifts with irradiance and temperature. As a
result, the MPPT algorithms serve as guidelines for the                Fig.5 can be used to explain the second issue. Assume
MPPT controller to adjust the operating point toward the         that the first state was at point A, with a 250 W/m2 irradiance
MPP in any circumstance. The P&O algorithm and fuzzy             level. If the irradiance level is suddenly increased to 500
logic approaches have been used in this study. The MPPT          W/m2 while the controller is in the process of dropping the
use the Perturb and Observe approach to adjust the voltage       voltage, the controller will continue to decrease the voltage,
across the PV array's terminals in order to collect the          causing the MPP to mismatch and move toward point B. Any
maximum amount of electricity. The MPPT controller               additional increase in irradiance causes the operational point
perturbs the PV voltage by a little amount in this process, and  to migrate away from MPP, toward points C and D, rather
the change in output power ?P is then measured. If ?P is         than toward points F, R, and H. If the controller was
positive, the operating point moves closer to the MPP, and       increasing the voltage action, the tracking would proceed
the controller perturbs in the same direction again to move      toward points N, M, and O, causing the same issue. This
closer to that point (Case 1 in Fig. 4). If ?P is negative, the  means that during foggy days, the P&O algorithm fails at
operating point is distant from the MPP, and the controller      cloudy days.
reverses the direction of the perturbation as a result (Case 2
in Fig. 4). The process is continued until the MPP has been

Fig. 3: The adopted PV array characteristics                       Fig.5 P&O algorithm error tracking under rapidly rising

                                                                       Working with imprecise inputs, not requiring a perfect
                                                                 mathematical model, and handling nonlinearity are all
                                                                 benefits of fuzzy logic controllers [33]. The three steps of
                                                                 fuzzy logic control are fuzzification, rule basis lookup table,
                                                                 and defuzzification. In the fuzzification step, membership
                                                                 functions based linguistic variables similar to that in Fig.6
                                                                 can be obtained from numerical input variables. NB
                                                                 (negative large), NS (negative small), ZE (zero), PS (positive
                                                                 small), and PB (positive big) are the most commonly utilized
                                                                 membership functions [34]. The crisp values of the
                                                                 membership functions are represented by "a" and "b" in

  Fig.4. PV Module Power vs. Voltage at (G=1000??/??2,           Fig.6: The fuzzy logic control's membership functions.

Although the P&O method is simple to develop, it has
several flaws, including [32]:

     ? One of the significant disadvantages of the perturb
          and observe technique is that the output power
          oscillates around the maximum power point under
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