Page 122 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 122

118 |                                                                                                                                   Jasim & Jasim

signal (????????: produced by the droop controller) with the real                     The adjusted control parameters of the adopted M-grid

dq voltage components (Vd, Vq) at the input side [44].                                are shown in Table I.

              ???? = (???????? + ????????/??) (???????? - ????)      (21)                                    TABLE I

              ???? = (???????? + ????????/??) (0 - ????)                              The adjusted control parameters.

                                                                     (22)             Description                           Symbol Nominal

A PI-based power control loop creates output d-q                                      Sampling time                                       value
                                                                                                                            Ts 40µsec.
reference current (Idref and Iqref) signals while comparing the
                                                                                      Nominal frequency                     Fnom        50Hz
active and reactive power with their reference values.
                                                                                      BESS Frequency droop (%) ?????? 0.5
              ?????????? = (???????? + ????????/??) (?? - ????????)
                                                                     (23)                   BESS Voltage droop (%)          ??????       3
                                                                                                                            ????????    1.5
              ?????????? = (???????? + ????????/??) (?? - ????????)                   BESS power regulator proportional
                                                                     (24)                               gain

Where ???????? and ???????? are the proportional and integral gains                   BESS power regulator integral gain ????????       15
of the BESS voltage loop control, and for the power loop
control are ???????? and ????????.                                                    BESS current regulator proportional   ????????    0.2
     ? Current Regulators
      The Current Regulators are supplied with the Idref and                          BESS current regulator integral gain  ????????    15
Iqref reference currents. The regulators use the measured and                         BESS voltage regulator proportional   ????????    2
reference currents to generate the inverter's dq voltages (Vd
and Vq). It is worth noting that the regulators accomplish                                               gain
high dynamical response by using feedforward computation.
On the control of grid-connected inverters, current control                           BESS voltage regulator integral gain  ????????       25
operates as an inner loop section. Both Id and Iq are regulated                        BESS PWM switching frequency         Fsw         2700Hz
by separate PI controllers to track reference values Idref and
Iqref respectively.                                                                   Proportional gain of synchronization ??????????   0.015/2
      The voltage references Vdrref and Vqrref are created by                                  to distribution system
combining the output of the PI controller with the terminal
voltage in dq and the cross drop voltage in the inductor and                          Integral gain of synchronization to   ??????????  0.03/2
resistor Lff and Rff. These voltage references control the                                     distribution system
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), which generates the
appropriate command for the grid-connected inverter's                                 Proportional gain of PV arrays        ????????    0.05
switches [44].                                                                                power regulator
   ???????????? = (???????? + ????????/??) (?????????? - ????) + ???? + ?????????? -
                                                                                      Integral gain of PV arrays power      ????????    2

                                                                                      PV current regulator proportional     ??????????  6

                                                                                      PV current regulator integral gain    ??????????  30
                                                                                                                            ??????????  0.2
                                                                                      PV voltage regulator proportional

                                                                                      PV voltage regulator integral gain    ??????????  15

                                                                                      PV PWM switching frequency            Fsw 2340Hz

??????? ????                                                         (25)             5) Faults Detection and Diagnostic Using DWT

???????????? = (???????? + ????????/??) (?????????? - ????) + ???? + ?????????? +          Because of its ability to resolve high-frequency
                                                                                      components, the wavelet transform is one of the most
??????? ????                                                         (26)             preferred approaches for defect detection and classification.
Where ???????? and ???????? are the proportional and integral gains
                                                                                           Ingrid Daubechies (db), a Belgian mathematician,
of the BESS current loop control.                                                     developed the most widely used collection of discrete
                                                                                      wavelet transformations (DWT) in 1988. The utilization of
     ? Reference Voltage Generation                                                   recurrence relations to create increasingly smaller discrete
      Vdrref and Vqrref are scaled and translated to a three-                         samplings of an implicit mother wavelet function underpins
phase reference signal Vref, which is sent into the PWM                               this concept.
modulator to generate pulses for the inverter.
                                                                                           A mathematical method for studying transitory signals
     ? Compensator for Imbalance                                                      is the wavelet transform. It is adopted here to detect and
      When imbalance compensator activated, the imbalance                             classify the fault type. As shown in Fig. 12, DWT is a useful
compensator reduces the negative sequence voltage at the                              tool for analyzing time-varying, transient signal-like faults
PCC bus caused by grid load imbalance. It makes use of an                             by decomposing the signal into an Approximation (A) and
outer-loop dq voltage regulator as well as an inner-loop dq                           Detailed (D) coefficients using sequential high-pass and low-
current regulator.                                                                    pass signal filtering [52].

4) Load                                                                                    The noise in the fault signal can be decreased as the
      The 600V load is represented simply by a fixed three-                           number of decomposition levels grows. In this study, the
                                                                                      characteristics are extracted using a db4 mother wavelet with
phase load model (PQ) and a second switchable three-phase                             two layers.
load model (PQ).
                                                                                           By applying a signal (x) through a series of filters, the
                                                                                      DWT is determined. After passing the samples through a low
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