Page 110 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 110

106 |                                                                                                 Majid & Ali
  B. Image Augmentation
     Large volumes of data are required to create solid and          Data splitting with a ratio of 70:30, where training data
                                                                is 70%, testing data is 20%, and validation data is 10%.
generalized deep learning models. On the other hand, Data
on medical imaging is limited and difficult to get because of                       TABLE I
the patient privacy issue; moreover, labeling this data is
expensive.                                                      The number of images in the Covid-19 X-rays collection

  Fig.4: displays several X-ray images that were not utilized                 traditional technique.
                         in the experiment.
                                                                Main Dataset        Training Validation Testing
                                                                                       set set set

                                                                Original dataset 370 176 41

                                                                Original dataset +

                                                                traditional         2511 717 359


                                                                    2) CGAN Image Augmentation
                                                                     In this research, the total layers employed in the initial
                                                                phase of network generation were four transposed
                                                                convolutional layers, followed by three ReLU activation
                                                                function layers. For normalizing the values, batch
                                                                normalization with three layers and used Tanh activation
                                                                Layer for the output. There are four convolutional layers in
                                                                the discriminator phase, followed by three leaky ReLU
                                                                activation layers. To normalize the values applied two batch
                                                                normalization layers and three drops out. Finally, for
                                                                the output, used the sigmoid activation Layer. Each
                                                                transposed convolutional and convolutional layer seems to
                                                                have a 5x5 filter size.

 Fig.5: Proposed CGAN and traditional data augmentation         Fig.7: layered proposed CGAN generator
                are employed in the design stage

    1) Traditional Image Augmentation
     Traditional Image Augmentation used Random rotation,
scaling, flipping, and shift operations [31][32]. To construct
the Image Data Generator function of the TensorFlow from
the Keras framework [33]. In the traditional augmentation
methodology. COVID-19 X-ray augmented images are
shown in Figure 6.

Fig.6: Classical Augmentation Techniques, which augment                Fig.8: layered of proposed CGAN discriminator
         the limited COVID-19 chest X-rays images.
                                                                     CGAN generated sample is assigned the appropriate
                                                                label of class (C) and distribution noise (Z). The (G)
                                                                generator creates fake images X = G(c,z). Discriminator
                                                                (D) produces a probability distribution to class labels and

                                                                                    P (S | X), P (C | X) = D(X)
                                                                     Discriminator layers are initially configured to be non-
                                                                trainable. As a result, the discriminator updates the
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