Page 99 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 99
95 | Shumran & Al-Hussein
ber (PRN) mixing technique and a discrete chaotic map. An
FPGA platform called Xilinx XC7Z020 PYNQ-Z2 was used
to implement the suggested system. A good trade off between
efficiency and security was demonstrated by logic resources,
throughput, and cryptanalytic and statistical tests.Fig. 16.
shows the block diagram of a stream encryption/decryption
system. The stream encryption/decryption technique, as we
can see, basically involves an XOR operation between the
ciphertext and the key-stream for decryption and the plain-
text and the key-stream for encryption. The key-stream that
the key-stream generator provides determines how secure the
system is.
Fig. 16. Block diagram of a stream encryption/decryption
system, adopted from [37] .
carry look-ahead adder, multi-operand adder, and booth multi-
plier are added. There’s an introduction to the state of the art
and a comparison of the various encryption architectures. It is
possible to use the suggested systems for speech telecommuni-
cation because of the results, which show that they have good
security. The designs were implemented on an FPGA Xilinx
Virtex-5 xc5lx50T after being simulated with Xilinx ISE 14.7.
In comparison with 1.1 Gbit/sec and 1.49 Gbit/sec for prior
work, a throughput of 7.9 Gbit/sec for bit permutation design,
2.6 Gbit/sec for bit permutation, and chaotic modified logistic
map is achieved.
Fig. 15. Block diagram of the main control subsystem 2) Implementation Using Raspberry Pi’s
implemented in FPGA Spartan 3E, adopted from [35]. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny computer board that can be com-
pletely programmed and customized. Analyzing the Rasp-
In 2019, Heba M. Yassin et al [38], suggested a novel berry Pi’s essential components and performance in compari-
method for creating a dynamic S-box that improved secu- son to some of the IoT prototype platforms already in use has
rity by relying on the concepts of a chaotic system and DNA revealed that, despite a few drawbacks, it is still a reasonably
modules. The proposed design incorporates a Lorenz chaotic priced computer that is used extremely effectively in a wide
generator to handle chaos. Real-time offline speech encryp- range of IoT vision research applications. The benefits of the
tion and decryption tests are conducted with this design on the Raspberry Pi may be summed up as follows: The Raspberry
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The oscilloscope is Pi is a tiny, self-contained computer that can be configured to
used to display the experimental results. Tests conducted on run any Linux operating system and can run several distribu-
MATLAB also validate the system’s security. tions. Moreover, its working memory (RAM memory) is quite
huge. To save the data, it includes expandable memory that
In 2018, Mohammed F. Tolba et al [39], offers a chaotic can hold up to 64GB. and its frequency range of operation is
speech encryption and decryption system based on bit permu- 700 MHz to 1000 MHz.Because it supports USB 2.0, a wide
tations, designed and implemented using FPGA technology. range of accessories may be added to it. WiFi and Bluetooth
Methods for minimizing both area and delay are employed. adapters can be added to the Raspberry Pi, depending on the
To enhance the efficiency of the encryption scheme design, demands. It may run on a sollar cell or a battery.
In 2022, Guille´n-Ferna´ndez, et al [40], proposed fractional-
and integer-order chaotic systems were used to encrypt color
images sent over Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)