Page 102 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 102
98 | Shumran & Al-Hussein
The X signal at the receiver uses the following equations to used to encrypt speech signals. The stream cipher system
get the slave system’s synchronization with the two systems uses a fixed-point chaos-based pseudo-random bit generator
(8) [48] : (FPC-PRBG) as its key sequence. Gold FPC-PRBG is gen-
erated by combining two chaotic Lorenz and Chen systems.
Wi + 1 = f (Xi,Yi) (8) The outcomes demonstrate that FPC-PRBG can be used to
Zi + 1 = g(Wi, Zi) generate high speech security levels and has good statisti-
cal randomness and encryption performance measures. The
The total voice encryption block diagram employing (SFPCM- Xilinx System Generator (XSG) with Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGA
SC) is shown in Fig. 20. For fixed- point PRBGs, five differ- device is used to implement FPC-PRBG. The system is ac-
ent kinds are created, namely FPQM-PRBG, FPHM-PRBG, cessed and routed in this device with throughputs of 818.64,
FPDM - PRBG, FPLM-PRBG, and FPLoM-PRBG.Henon, 7978.88, and 780.24 Mbits/sec for Lorenz, Chen, and Gold
Duffy, Lozi, quadratic, and logistic mapscorrespondingly. The FPC-PRBG, respectively, where 40 bits fixed-point operation
spoken signal in analog format is sampled using n = 16 res- is used.
olution bits and a sample frequency of fs = 8 kHz is used.
The pre-processing function is used to extract a fixed- point In 2023, Girma Adam, et al. [51], a three-dimensional
sequence with a length of 32 words for each sample from the fractional-order chaotic system (FOCS) is created; the sys-
sampled speech signal (S). After that, the 32-bit sample was tem has by adding a nonlinear function and the values of its
XORed with the key stream bits (Ki)to produce the encryption parameters, equilibria can take on a variety of forms. A dy-
bits (Ci). The original i-th bit(S) is recovered at the receiving namical analysis is carried out using analytical and numerical
end by XORing the encryption bits with the synchronized methods in order to understand the behavior of the system
key stream bits produced on the deciphering side. In order under various situations and parameter values. Phase portraits,
to restore the original speech signal at the transmitter end, bifurcation analysis, Lyapunov spectra, and Lyapunov expo-
the conversion procedure is the inverse function of the pre- nents (LEs) are some of the methods used in this investigation.
processing function. The system exhibits more complex attractors than a standard
chaotic system with an integer value, in particular when the
In 2019, Abd El-Maksoud, et al [49], presented the FPGA fractional order q is set to 0.97. It is very suitable for creating
implementation of the Ozoguz, Yalcin, and Tang chaotic sys- secure communication networks because of its characteristic.
tems, as well as fractional order multi-scrolls. The chaotic To further demonstrate the system’s viability, a working imple-
system equations were generalized into the fractional-order mentation built around an electrical circuit has been created.
domain using the Grunwald-Letnikov (GL) definition. Ad- Two layers of encryption were used in the construction of a
ditionally, each system’s parameter variation was examined secure communication system.
in relation to the GL definition’s window size. To simulate
the design under investigation, Xilinx ISE 14.5 was utilized, F. Chaotic Systems Based Pseudo Random Bit Generator
while Artix-7 XC7A100T FPGA was employed for systems (PRBG)
realization. Every fractional system’s FPGA summary was
presented, and a comparative analysis was conducted. The The PRBG is widely used in many applications such as com-
respective throughputs of Yalcin, Ozoguz, and Tang were puter games, cryptography testing, numerical analysis, and
found to be 3.417GHz,1.513GHz, and 2.425GHz, respec- integrated circuits. When creating pseudo-random numbers
tively. Since Yalcin had the highest throughput and Ozoguz to create a binary key stream for encryption, the chaotic sys-
had the lowest, Yalcin was selected to be employed in the tem’s orbit’s aperiodic, irregular, unpredictable, and sensitive
speech encryption system. Additionally, the encryption al- dependence on initial conditions are useful properties to have:
gorithm for speech encryption used the Yalcin system. One
clock latency was used to implement the entire system on In 2016, Farsana F J et al [2], suggested a new method for
FPGA. speech encryption by using diffusion and confusion processes
of the speech samples using Zaslavsky map and cat transform.
In 2016, Fadhil S. Hasan [50], The author presents the Firstly, the original speech signal is converted to the frequency
Fixed-Point Chaos-based Stream Cipher (FPC-SC), which is domain by using discrete cosine transform (DCT) and its bi-
nary information is confused by XORing with the key stream
generated from the two-dimensional chaotic Zaslavsky map.
The result is confused and rearranged by using the cat trans-
form and finally, the resulted signal is converted to the time