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96 |                                                                                                                   Shumran & Al-Hussein

for the Internet of Things protocol using Raspberry Pi’s con-     maintenance, and impressive security features.
nected to Wi-Fi. The NIST and Test U01 tests were used
to assess the random binary string generation process of the                                                                                       Rpi3+Chaotic system
Chen system. Using XOR for post-processing allowed for
the creation of the optimal random sequence. The encryption                                                                                          System       Variable
process over MQTT used this random sequence, and two syn-                                                                                          chua, chen,      X,Y,Z
chronization techniques—Hamiltonian forms and the OPCL
method—were used to synchronize the publisher and sub-                                                                                               Lorenz
scriber. This is a summary of the encryption technique that
the authors suggested. The subscriber that is embedding the                                                           PUBLISH                       Step - size   Parameters
same chaotic system can only decrypt the encrypted image                                                                                           (h-1,h-2,h-3)  (P-1,P-2,P-3)
sent by the publisher; in the absence of this, the subscriber
can only read data that resembles noise. More privacy and         Rpi1+Chaotic system
security are offered by this, and the average synchronization
time was found to be This provides more privacy and security,       System       Variable       PUBLISH       BROKER  SSUUSBBUSBSCCSRRCIBIRBEIEBE
and the average time for synchronization was measured to be       chua, chen,      X,Y,Z          SUB SCRIBE    MQTT
2.1 s over MQTT using Raspberry Pis over Wi-Fi.
The suggested MQTT-implemented system is shown in Fig.              Lorenz
17. The broker is in charge of facilitating communication
between nodes that have the ability to operate as publishers       Step - size   Parameters                   PUBLISH                              Rpi2+Chaotic system
(transmitters) or subscribers (receivers), but they also include  (h-1,h-2,h-3)  (P-1,P-2,P-3)
an embedded chaotic oscillator that can have various topolo-
gies, state variables, parameters, and step sizes. This offers                                                                                       System       Variable
a starting point for conducting private communication with                                                                                         chua, chen,      X,Y,Z
any number of subscribers and a publisher. The fact that the
chaotic systems may have various starting circumstances is                                                                                           Lorenz
another crucial point.
                                                                                                                                                    Step - size   Parameters
    In 2019, Yugendra et al [41], the authors proposed, a ro-                                                                                      (h-1,h-2,h-3)  (P-1,P-2,P-3)
bust and quick audio watermarking algorithm built on a Rasp-
berry Pi that uses the patchwork method and base64 encoding.      Fig. 17. The MQTT protocol encrypts images by using
High imperceptibility is demonstrated by this methodology,        chaotic systems in the nodes that are under broker control.
which was assessed by PSNR, which yielded values of 30
dB for the audio signal and 40 dB for the picture. In addi-       D. Based on Synchronization Methods
tion, it is safe and does not require the original audio signal   In 2021, N. Ramesh Babu et al [43], proposed Encryption and
in order to extract the watermark. Bit error rate analysis is     decryption techniques that rely on the synchronization of 4-D
used to assess its robustness; it is a very small %0.036. The     nonlinear fractional-order hyperchaotic systems with external
suggested approach might work well in real-time applications.     disturbances. When establishing finite-time control for sender
                                                                  and receiver system synchronization, the authors considered
    In 2016, J. K. SAHA, et al [42], suggested with the use       fractional orders of (0 = a = 1). The study examines algo-
of wired and wireless networks, an embedded system is de-         rithms for audio encryption and decryption by transforming
veloped that can transmit real-time video and synchronized        audio samples into image data. Both audio signal encryption
audio. Complete audio-visual systematization is achieved          and decryption are done using a random mask created from a
by combining video communication with a half-duplex voice         chaotic mask. A fractional-order hyperchaotic system’s error
communication scheme. The extra features that the framework       path is demonstrated to be significantly superior to a classical
uses are image capture and video recording. An anonymous,         one.Fig. 18. represent the block diagram of proposed audio
random IP address that is only acknowledged by the users on       Encryption.
both the transmitting and receiving ends protects the confiden-
tiality of the communication method. This device is suitable          In 2022, Jianxiang Yang et al [44], suggested developing
for high-risk surveillance and remote monitoring due to its       an adaptive sliding mode controller and applying it to secure
user-friendly interface, lightweight and compact design, easy     communication, this work focuses on the finite-time gener-
                                                                  alized synchronization problem of non-identical fractional
                                                                  order chaotic (or hyper-chaotic) systems. Model uncertain-
                                                                  ties as well as the effects of disturbances are considered. It
                                                                  is possible to demonstrate the stability of a newly designed
                                                                  fractional order integral sliding mode surface to the origin
                                                                  within a finite time frame. the overall diagram of speech en-
                                                                  cryption–decryption process is depicted in Fig. 19.

                                                                      In 2018, P. Muthukumar, et al. [45], a sliding mode control
                                                                  theory-based general robust synchronization technique has
                                                                  been studied and proposed to robustly synchronize fractional-
                                                                  order dynamical systems with uneven fractional derivatives,
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