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100 | Shumran & Al-Hussein
etc.). communication technologies. Many researchers have identi-
fied the possibility of applying nonlinear dynamics and turbu-
In 2020, F.J. Farsana, et al [55], examined a keystream gen- lent behaviors of a chaotic system in encryption. Among the
erated by the modified Lorenz-Hyperchaotic system, which is important classifications mentioned in our review of this en-
used to substitute audio samples after they have been permuted cryption system is based on advanced chaotic systems, which
using a discrete modified Henon map. The authors suggested are divided into two types: the continuous-time system, such
that in order to eliminate any remaining intelligibility in the as (Lorenz, Chua, and Chen,) and the discrete-time system,
transform domain, the audio file be first compressed using such as (Henon, Arnold cat, logistic and Tent map). which
the Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform (FWHT). After that, the has amazing qualities like unpredictable behavior, high se-
resultant file is encrypted twice. To reduce the correlation curity, and high sensitivity to initial conditions and system
between neighboring samples, a modified discrete Henon map parameters. We also classified them based on the synchro-
is used in the first phase of the permutation operation. The nization method and the implementation method by FPGA or
second phase fills in the silences in the speech conversation by Raspberry Pi. We also studied and classified encryption sys-
using a modified Lorenz hyperchaotic system for substitution tems based on Fractional-order systems and based on Hybrid
operation. To improve the correlation between encrypted and chaotic generator systems.
plaintext text, a mechanism for dynamic keystream genera-
tion is also introduced. An altered Henon map and perturbed CONFLICT OF INTEREST
Lorenz-hyperchaotic system are presented. The original and
encrypted data samples’ correlation eventually decreased as The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
a result of the modified Henon map’s maximizing of the per-
mutation operation over its seed map. The adoption of a REFERENCES
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