Page 252 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 252

248 |                                                              Sabeeh & Al-Furati

and specific challenges of healthcare settings. GA-PRM algo-       1. Roadmap generation: A roadmap is a graph that repre-
rithm is attempting to fill the gap of providing a robust and         sents the possible paths that a robot can take in an envi-
adaptable path-planning solution that can navigate healthcare         ronment. Randomly sampling configurations within the
environments efficiently and safely. Dynamic obstacles, the           workspace and then connecting them with collision-free
need for smooth and precise movements, and the requirement            paths generate it. The roadmap construction accounts
for patient safety characterize healthcare environments.              for the presence of static obstacles, ensuring that the
                                                                      robot can traverse through open paths.
                III. METHODOLOGY
                                                                   2. Genetic algorithm: The genetic algorithm is a potent
In this section, the methodology employed for the develop-            tool for optimizing robot path planning. It iteratively
ment and implementation of the novel path-planning algo-              improves the path by evolving potential routes through
rithm is discussed. A comprehensive description of the algo-          generations. It starts with a population of path segments,
rithm is provided, clarifying its complexities and fundamental        each representing a possible way for the robot to reach
components. Core techniques utilized in the approach are              its goal while avoiding obstacles. These segments are
detailed, underscoring their essential role in effective path-        evaluated based on how well they work. Parents are
planning. The seamless integration of genetic algorithms              selected from the population based on their effective-
and probabilistic roadmaps is explained, displaying how this          ness and used to create new paths through crossover
combination enhances the algorithm’s performance and effi-            and mutation. Crossover involves parents exchanging
ciency. Modifications or enhancements to existing algorithms          parts of their paths to make new ones, while mutation
are highlighted, spotlighting how these innovations and ad-           makes small changes to paths. This process continues
vancements refine the approach.                                       over generations until a suitable path is found, allowing
                                                                      the robot to reach its goal efficiently.
A. Techniques
The GA-PRM algorithm is a path-planning algorithm that             3. Handling dynamic obstacles: To ensure robots nav-
combines the strengths of two other algorithms: Genetic Al-           igate safely in dynamic environments, there are two
gorithm (GA) and Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM).                        key methods: potential field-based path-planning and
                                                                      genetic algorithms. Potential field-based planning cal-
    The GA component of GA-PRM is inspired by natural                 culates forces guiding the robot towards its goal and
selection. It uses a population-based search approach to iter-        away from obstacles, allowing it to adapt its path in
atively evolve a set of candidate paths. Each candidate path          real-time as conditions change. Genetic algorithms, on
is represented as a string of waypoints in the robot’s configu-       the other hand, use iterations to find the best paths by
ration space. The fitness of each candidate path is evaluated         considering various factors like distance and efficiency,
based on its length and how well it avoids obstacles. The fittest     making them suitable for navigating complex spaces
individuals from each generation are selected to contribute to        with both static and moving obstacles. For instance, in
the next generation, which helps the algorithm converge to            a busy hospital, robots can first use potential field-based
optimal solutions.                                                    planning to avoid patients and staff, and then optimize
                                                                      their route with genetic algorithms for safe and efficient
    The PRM component of GA-PRM constructs a roadmap                  navigation. In healthcare settings, ultrasonic sensors
of the workspace. The roadmap is a graph that represents              can complement infrared (IR) sensors by detecting vari-
all the feasible paths between random configurations in the           ous types of moving objects and equipment, ensuring
workspace. Random configurations are sampled uniformly                collision-free movement.
across the workspace, and collision checking ensures that
they avoid obstacles. The roadmap is built by connecting           4. Path smoothing: Path smoothing is a crucial part of
configurations through collision-free edges.                          path-planning, especially in complex and dynamic set-
                                                                      tings. It reduces noise and uncertainties caused by sen-
    The GA-PRM algorithm leverages the strengths of both              sors and moving obstacles, making the path smoother
the GA and PRM algorithms. The GA component enables the               and more reliable. Kalman filtering is a statistical tech-
algorithm to search for optimal paths in a large and complex          nique used for this purpose. It estimates the robot’s
search space, while the PRM component ensures that the                position and speed by combining previous estimates
algorithm finds feasible paths even in cluttered environments.        and noisy measurements. This process repeats to refine
The combination of these two algorithms results in a path-            the estimate, resulting in a more accurate path.
planning algorithm that is both efficient and effective.
                                                                   5. Performance metrics: The performance of the new
    The core components and techniques used in the algorithm
are as follows:
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