Page 254 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 254
250 | Sabeeh & Al-Furati
algorithm uses the Kalman filter. This filter uses sensor data Using an R-tree data structure [39] significantly boosts essen-
to accurately estimate the robot’s position, reducing errors. tial tasks like finding nearby positions and checking for col-
Smoothing the path allows the GA-PRM find a balance be- lisions. This unique data structure, the R-tree index, smartly
tween avoiding collisions and smooth movement. The Kalman organizes spatial data. It does this by creating an efficient sys-
filter updates the robot’s position based on sensor data, en- tem where information is stored in a way that allows extremely
suring the robot can navigate safely and efficiently, even in fast access. This dynamic indexing method is a significant
changing environments, without putting safety at risk or dis- advancement, especially for real-time applications. Unlike
rupting medical tasks. older indexing methods, which struggle with objects of vary-
ing sizes in complex, multi-dimensional spaces, the R-tree
The GA-PRM algorithm, as described in the flowchart brings a simplicity that greatly enhances the robot’s ability to
in Figure 2, follows a step-by-step process for efficient path navigate swiftly and accurately.
planning. It begins with initialization and then utilizes the
Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) technique to create a roadmap IV. PROBLEM FORMULATION
by randomly sampling and connecting configurations. Subse-
quently, it generates a path segment from the current position This propose approach aims to find the best path for a mo-
towards the goal, considering forces to navigate obstacles. bile robot in a workspace with both stationary and moving
The generated path’s feasibility is checked for goal reachabil- obstacles. This involves finding a sequence of grid cells that
ity. To optimize the path, a Genetic Algorithm is employed, connect the start and end points while avoiding collisions with
creating and refining potential paths within a population. Con- obstacles. This section formally defines the path-planning
tinuous goal checking occurs throughout execution. Dynamic problem and describes the system model.
obstacles (people) are introduced by randomly moving them
within the workspace to simulate dynamic environments. The A. Path-Planning Formalization
Kalman Filter enhances path estimation accuracy and mini- Path-planning is the process of finding a safe and efficient
mizes sensor measurement noise. The algorithm concludes its path for a robot to move from one point to another in an
execution, providing efficient path planning while accommo- environment. The environment may contain obstacles, such
dating obstacles and dynamic scenarios. as walls and furniture, as well as dynamic obstacles, such
as people and vehicles. The path-planning problem can be
D. Modifications and Improvements broken down into the following steps:
In this section, the modifications and improvements made to
existing path-planning algorithms to develop a novel approach • Representation of the workspace: The workspace is
are described. These enhancements aim to address specific represented as a grid-based environment. This means
limitations and leverage the strengths of the individual algo- that the environment is divided into a grid of cells, and
rithms. The modifications are designed to work together and each cell represents a specific location in the workspace.
perfectly within the framework of the proposed algorithm. This representation makes it easier for the robot to plan
its path and avoid obstacles.
1. Combining Strengths: The algorithm blends Genetic
Algorithm (GA) and Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM) in • Definition of the start and goal points: The start
a unique way. GA explores possibilities, while PRM point is the robot’s initial position, and the goal point
carefully maps valid paths. They work together: GA is the desired destination. The path-planning algorithm
suggests paths, and PRM refines them. This combina- must find a path that connects the start and goal points
tion improves path quality and speeds up finding the without colliding with any obstacles.
best path.
• Identification of static obstacles: Static obstacles are
2. Faster Computing: Smart data handling, like the R- obstacles that do not move during the planning process.
tree index, speeds up PRM’s work, making it suitable Their coordinates on the grid identify these obstacles,
for quick path planning. Additionally, advanced meth- and they are marked as such in the grid representation.
ods like the Kalman filter improve sensor data process-
ing, reducing the workload and making it even better • Accounting for dynamic obstacles: Dynamic obsta-
for real-time tasks. cles are obstacles that move during the planning process.
These obstacles are represented by their respective mo-
3. Balancing Goals: The algorithm considers various fac- tion models, which describe how they move over time.
tors like path length, smoothness, and computation time The path-planning algorithm must take into account the
all at once. This flexible approach gives different op- motion models of dynamic obstacles when planning the
tions, allowing users to balance these factors as needed. robot’s path.