Page 249 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 249
245 | Sabeeh & Al-Furati
cell represents an obstacle or free space. The algorithm positions of a robot when it moves in a particular environment
starts from the goal position, assigns wavefront values, while considering its geometry and size. When taking the
and propagates them outward until it reaches the start Minkowski sum of the robot’s shape and the obstacles in the
position, creating a path. environment, we can create a new shape that represents the
free space in which the robot can navigate without colliding
• Genetic Algorithms: Genetic Algorithms (GA) are with obstacles. This free space is essential for path planning
population-based optimization techniques inspired by algorithms to find collision-free paths for the robot [15].
the process of natural selection [9]. In path-planning,
GA involves evolving a population of candidate paths B. Path-Planning in Healthcare Settings
using genetic operations such as crossover and muta- In recent times, path planning in healthcare has seen signifi-
tion. Paths with higher fitness, determined by a fitness cant progress, with intelligent algorithms playing a vital role
function, have a higher chance of being selected for the in various medical applications. Healthcare facilities’ com-
next generation, gradually improving the quality of the plexities have led to the development of advanced path plan-
paths. ning methods that ensure smooth navigation. These solutions,
powered by cutting-edge algorithms and technology, aim to
• Artificial Potential Fields: Artificial Potential Fields enhance patient care, improve robotic assistance, and opti-
(APF) is a reactive path-planning approach that models mize logistical operations in the medical sector. This section
the environment as attractive and repulsive forces [10]. explores path planning in healthcare, emphasizing the transfor-
The robot navigates by following the gradient of the mative impact of AI-driven approaches on medical workflows
potential field, moving towards the goal while avoiding and seamless movement in critical healthcare environments.
obstacles. APF is well suited for real-time applications,
but it may suffer from local minima and oscillations. For instance, in a notable study, Z. D. Hussein, M. Z.
Khalifa, and I. S. Kareem [16] improved the performance
• Ant Colony Optimization (ACO): Ant Colony Op- of a Laparoscope surgical robot with seven degrees of free-
timization (ACO) is a metaheuristic inspired by the dom. They used a genetic algorithm and a MATLAB-based
foraging behavior of ants [11]. In path-planning, ACO program to find the best path, optimizing distance while avoid-
involves simulating the movement of virtual ants that ing obstacles in dynamic environments. Real-world tests
deposit pheromones on the paths they explore. The were conducted at Al-Sader educational hospital and the Re-
algorithm utilizes pheromone trails to guide other ants search Unit of Automation and Robotics, University of Tech-
in finding shorter and more efficient paths to the goal. nology, using the Lab-Volt Servo Robot System Model5250
(RoboCIM5250). This advancement has the potential to en-
• Harmonic Functions-Based Methods: Harmonic Func- hance surgical procedures and reduce patient risks. However,
tions Based Methods use potential functions derived the findings’ practical relevance may vary depending on each
from harmonic functions to compute optimal paths [12]. hospital’s robot and environment characteristics.
These methods represent the environment as a graph
and solve partial differential equations, ensuring that In another recent study [17], Fang et al. introduced ad-
the computed paths follow the laws of physics and offer vanced technology called SLAM (Simultaneous Localization
smooth trajectories. and Mapping) for robots in healthcare facilities. This tech uses
images to make hospitals run smoother and reduce COVID-19
In addition to the aforementioned algorithms, there are sev- risks. It is good at handling moving things in hospitals by
eral other path-planning techniques used in various scenarios. understanding pictures. Combining this with a knowledge
For instance, Visibility Graphs are used to compute paths graph helps robots know where they are better. This study
in environments where direct line-of-sight visibility between offers several benefits, addressing the challenges of frequent
points can be guaranteed. They connect visible points with changes in hospital layouts through mapping and specialized
straight line segments, creating a graph that simplifies path descriptors. However, it may pose computational demands for
planning [13]. Cell decomposition is a common technique map creation and image quality enhancement.
used to simplify the path planning process, especially in struc-
tured environments. It is used to divide the robot’s envi- A notable advancement is the MKR (Muratec Keio Robot),
ronment into smaller, manageable regions or cells. Each an advanced robot designed for healthcare [18]. It uses omni-
cell represents a portion of the environment, and these cells directional wheels to move safely and efficiently, avoiding
are typically of a uniform size and shape [14]. Finally, the collisions with obstacles. The robot uses virtual potential
Minkowski sum is used, in the context of robotics and path fields to navigate globally, considering both stationary and
planning, to calculate the space that encompasses all possible moving obstacles. Experiments in a hospital demonstrated
its ability to navigate successfully, avoiding collisions. This