Page 248 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 248

244 |                                                             Sabeeh & Al-Furati

optimize path planning and outperforms conventional methods       searchers and engineers have developed numerous path-planning
in extensive simulations. Overall, this work contributes to the   algorithms, each with its strengths and suitability for differ-
advancement of autonomous robotics in various applications,       ent scenarios. This overview discusses the top 10 algorithms
from exploration to surveillance and transportation tasks. The    known for their efficiency and effectiveness in real-world
key contributions of this paper can be briefly summarized in      applications, highlighting their ability to handle complex path-
three primary aspects:                                            planning tasks accurately.

   1. Novel path-planning algorithm. The paper introduces              • Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM): Probabilistic Roadmaps
       a new path-planning algorithm that combines genetic               (PRM) is a popular sampling-based path-planning al-
       algorithms (GA) and probabilistic roadmaps (PRM)                  gorithm used in robotics and motion planning [3]. It
       to enhance autonomous robot navigation. This novel                constructs a graph by randomly sampling points in
       approach improves path-planning efficiency and quality            the configuration space and connecting them through
       compared to traditional algorithms.                               collision-free paths. PRM offers advantages in complex
                                                                         and high-dimensional spaces and is widely applied in
   2. Real-time performance and robustness. The focus is                 real-world robot motion planning tasks.
       on real-time performance and adaptability in dynamic
       environments. The algorithm operates in real-time and           • Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT): Rapidly
       includes dynamic obstacle avoidance, allowing robots              Exploring Random Trees (RRT) is a rapidly growing
       to respond quickly to environmental changes and navi-             tree-based path-planning algorithm [4]. It starts with
       gate safely around moving obstacles. This robustness              a single vertex representing the initial state and incre-
       makes it suitable for real-world applications.                    mentally explores the search space by adding new ver-
                                                                         tices connected to the existing tree. RRT is particularly
   3. Comparative analysis and scalability. The paper also               effective in exploring large spaces efficiently and is
       conducts a comprehensive comparison with existing                 well suited for applications involving real-time obstacle
       path-planning methods like A*, RRT, genetic algo-                 avoidance and dynamic environments.
       rithms, and PRM. The main objective of this compari-
       son is to gain insights into the advantages and shortcom-       • A* (A-star): A* (pronounced as ”A-star”), a widely
       ings of these methods about three essential performance           recognized graph search algorithm, is employed to lo-
       measures: average path length, average computational              cate the shortest path connecting two nodes within a
       time, and average smoothness.                                     weighted graph [5].It employs a heuristic function to
                                                                         guide the search towards the goal, making it both com-
The paper reviews existing algorithms, details the new algo-             plete and optimal. A* is widely used in various do-
rithm’s components, and explains the system model in sec-                mains, including robotics, computer games, and route
tions II. , III. , and IV. , respectively. Section V. explains           planning applications.
the experimental setup, while Section VI. presents results
with clear evaluation and analysis. The conclusion empha-              • D* (D-star): D* (D-star) is an incremental heuristic
sizes the algorithm’s significance and suggests future research          search algorithm designed for dynamic environments
directions.                                                              where both the cost of the path and the terrain change
                                                                         over time [6]. It efficiently updates the path based
             II. LITERATURE REVIEW                                       on new information and avoids recomputing the entire
                                                                         path, making it suitable for scenarios with uncertain
In this part, we perform an extensive examination of existing            and changing conditions.
research on the development of path-planning algorithms for
robotics and autonomous systems. We will examine multiple              • Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Dijkstra’s algorithm is a classi-
recent research papers to gain a deep understanding of the               cal shortest-path algorithm used to find the minimum-
current methods and innovations in this area. Through ana-               cost path in a weighted graph [7]. It iteratively explores
lyzing and synthesizing these discoveries, we aim to pinpoint            neighboring nodes from the start node, keeping track
areas where improvements can be made, identify challenges,               of the minimum distance to each node. Dijkstra’s al-
and uncover opportunities for enhancing path-planning algo-              gorithm guarantees the shortest path but may become
rithms.                                                                  computationally expensive in large graphs.

A. Existing Path-Planning Algorithms                                   • Wavefront Propagation: Wavefront Propagation is a
Path-planning is a vital challenge in robotics, involving find-          simple and widely used algorithm for grid-based path-
ing the best path while avoiding obstacles. Over time, re-               planning [8]. It operates on a grid map where each
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