Page 256 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 256

252 |                                                                 Sabeeh & Al-Furati

Fig. 4. Repulsive field method for a mobile robot.                    (x, y): Robot coordinates.
                                                                      (ox, oy): Obstacle coordinates.
for controlling the robot’s motion. By adjusting the angular
velocities of the left and right wheels (dfL/dt, dfR/dt), the             This potential field creates a repulsive force that pushes
mobile robot can be controlled to move forward or turn.               the robot away from the obstacle. In equation (4), the first
                                                                      part calculates the inverse of the distance between the robot’s
2) The Repulsive Field Method                                         current position (x, y) and the center of the circular obsta-
The Repulsive Field Method [40] is a form of potential field-         cle (ox, oy). It represents the strength of the repulsive force;
based path planning in robotics. In this method, the envi-            shorter distances lead to higher repulsion. Finally, the square
ronment is represented as a field of repulsive forces, which          of the difference is taken to enhance the repulsive effect and
push the robot away from obstacles. As shown in Fig. 4, each          ensure it is always positive.
obstacle in the environment generates a repulsive field, and
the overall repulsive force experienced by the robot is the sum           Fundamentally, equation (4) calculates a repulsive poten-
of these fields. The robot navigates by moving in the direction       tial field, Uobs , that increases, as the robot gets closer to
of the resultant force, attempting to minimize the potential          the circular obstacle. The gain parameter, kobs, controls the
energy associated with the repulsive fields. This approach            strength of this repulsion, and the distance-based terms deter-
allows the robot to avoid obstacles while reaching its destina-       mine the shape of the repulsive force field. This potential field
tion. The repulsive field method usually consists of essential        is commonly used in robotics for obstacle avoidance, where
elements, which encompass settings to regulate repulsion in-          robots move away from obstacles by following the gradient
tensity, methods for identifying and pinpointing obstacles in         of this field.
the surroundings, and forces or fields with an attractive nature
employed to direct the robot towards a desired destination.           4) Dynamic Obstacle Model
However, it is important to note that although the repulsive          When dealing with a moving obstacle, its position can be dy-
field method can prove successful in specific situations, it          namically described as a function of time, denoted as T . This
does have constraints. These limitations include challenges in        dynamic position is calculated using equations (5) and (6):
dealing with intricate environments characterized by narrow
pathways and the possibility of the robot becoming trapped in                oxdynamic(T ) = oxinitial + vobstacle cos(?obstacle)T (5)
localized low-performance states.
                                                                      oydynamic(T ) = oyinitial + vobstacle sin(?obstacle)T  (6)

3) Obstacle Avoidance Model                                           Where:
                                                                      (oxinitial, oyinitial): These represent the initial coordinates of
A repulsive potential field method is used to avoid obstacles.        the moving obstacle, specifying where the obstacle is located
For a circular obstacle located at (ox, oy) with a radius robs,       at the start of its movement.
the potential field is given by equation (4) [41]:                    vobstacle: This parameter signifies the velocity of the moving
                                                                      obstacle. It defines how fast the obstacle is moving through
                                                                      ?obstacle: The initial orientation of the moving obstacle is
                                                                      represented by this angle. It indicates the direction in which
                                                                      the obstacle is initially facing.

                                                                          Equations (5) and (6) enable to track the dynamic position
                                                                      of a moving obstacle over time, allowing for effective collision
                                                                      avoidance and path planning in dynamic environments.

Uobs = kobs                                                   2  (4)  5) Optimal Trajectory
                                                                      An optimal trajectory in mobile robot path planning is the
                       1 -1                                           most efficient and effective path the robot can take to reach its
             (x - ox)2 + (y - oy)2 robs                               destination while meeting specific criteria. “Optimal” implies
                                                                      that this path is the best choice based on defined metrics. The
Where:                                                                key aspects of optimal trajectories include efficiency, obstacle
Uobs: The potential energy associated with obstacle avoidance.        avoidance, smoothness, consideration of dynamic constraints,
kobs: Gain parameter for obstacle avoidance.                          task-specific objectives, global vs. local optimization, and
                                                                      real-time adaptation [42].
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