Page 251 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 251

247 |                                                             Sabeeh & Al-Furati

studies with nine seniors living at home. The study looks at      uses machine learning to improve path-planning in dynamic
both practical and emotional aspects of the robot’s assistance,   environments [30]. Machine learning can be used to learn the
and it shows that seniors found value in its health-related       behavior of dynamic obstacles and to predict future changes
help and formed emotional bonds with it. This research can        in the environment. This can help path-planning algorithms
help elderly people, and it introduces a new method to assess     to adapt to changes in the environment more quickly and ef-
how well robots navigate homes. However, there is still work      fectively. Another approach uses distributed path-planning
needed to improve and test the robot’s reliability in different   algorithms [31]. Distributed path-planning algorithms have
home settings.                                                    the potential to break down the path-planning task into smaller,
                                                                  independent subtasks. This approach enhances the scalability
    In the context of real-world applications, M. Gillham et      of path-planning algorithms, making them better suited for
al. [27] highlight the importance of human-assistive devices,     navigating extensive and intricate environments. A third ap-
especially in situations where collision avoidance is crucial.    proach uses hybrid path-planning algorithms [32] and [33].
The approach focuses on giving users control while providing      Hybrid path-planning algorithms merge various path-planning
helpful assistance. It uses a new technique to quickly recog-     techniques to enhance the efficiency of path-planning in en-
nize specific situations using basic sensor data, even when the   vironments that are in continuous change. For instance, a
data is uncertain. This innovative method could be a valuable     hybrid approach could involve employing a sampling-based
tool for pattern recognition in human-assistive devices. How-     algorithm for swift exploration of the search area, comple-
ever, it might face challenges in complex real-world settings     mented by a local planner to fine-tune the path.
with diverse obstacles. In addition, relying solely on simple
sensor data might limit its ability to make precise decisions         However, there are a number of issues with current studies
in uncertain situations, potentially leading to suboptimal path   on path-planning approaches in terms of handling dynamic
planning results.                                                 obstacles. For instance, lack of real-time adaptability and
                                                                  responsiveness [34]. Many path-planning algorithms are not
    Additionally, a recent study [28] introduces an innovative    able to adapt to changes in the environment in real time. This
telemedicine method that utilizes robots for certain medical      can be a problem in dynamic environments, where the envi-
procedures. This pioneering approach involves the use of          ronment is constantly changing. A second issue is the inability
automated robotic systems, reducing operation time and the        to deal with uncertainty and unpredictability [35]. Many path-
requirement for extensive robot training. With only a few ac-     planning algorithms are not able to deal with uncertainty and
tions, this automated method improves the quality of medical      unpredictability in the environment. This can be a problem
procedures, offering exciting possibilities for telemedicine in   in dynamic environments, where the environment is often
robot-assisted healthcare. This research has potential benefits   uncertain and unpredictable. A third issue is the inability
in telemedicine and robotic-assisted healthcare, but limitations  to balance collision avoidance and smoothness [36]. Many
like adapting to different patients, concerns about accuracy,     path-planning algorithms are not able to balance collision
and needing more real-world testing and refinement exist.         avoidance and smoothness. This can lead to paths that are
                                                                  either too safe (or slow) or too risky (and fast). A fourth issue
    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, P. Manikandan        is the computational complexity [37]. The environment in
et al. [29] highlighted the crucial role of robotics in health-   dynamic settings is often uncertain and unpredictable, which
care. This research emphasizes the importance of medical          means that the path-planning algorithm must be able to make
robots in various medical tasks. Medical robots help reduce       decisions based on incomplete information [36]. This can be a
human-to-human contact, improve cleaning and sterilization,       difficult task, as it requires the algorithm to be able to estimate
and provide support in quarantine areas, thereby reducing         the probability of different outcomes and to make decisions
risks for healthcare workers. The proposed system aims to         that minimize the risk of collisions. Many path-planning al-
aid healthcare professionals in delivering essential supplies     gorithms are computationally expensive. This can make it
to those who require them. The robot offers benefits like pa-     difficult to find a path in real time or for large environments.
tient monitoring and precise medication delivery, but it has
drawbacks, including limited human interaction and potential          The most significant gap that proposed GA-PRM algo-
technical problems. The cost of implementing such robots in       rithm is trying to address is the need for efficient and adaptable
healthcare settings is also a concern.                            path-planning algorithms in healthcare environments. This
                                                                  gap is significant as it directly influences the practical applica-
C. Gap in the Current Research on Path Planning for               tion of robotics in healthcare, which requires a unique set of
    Robots                                                        capabilities compared to other industries. While the literature
                                                                  review highlights various advancements in robotics and path
There is ongoing research in this area to address the challenges  planning in healthcare, it also underscores the complexity
discussed earlier and develop more robust and efficient path-
planning algorithms for dynamic environments. One approach
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