Page 244 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 244

240 |                                                                          Ahmed, Alsaif & Algwari

                                                                     TABLE I.

                                   DOTS SOLAR CELLS WITH VARIOUS NUMBERS OF QD LAYERS

    Device    p-i-n without QD  1-layer QD  5-layers QD          10-layers QD  15-layers QD  20-layers QD
Jsc(mA/cm2)         16.4047       34.1625     35.5917               37.1026       38.3309       39.4775
                   0.908847      0.928569     0.93004              0.931544       0.93456      0.933705
 Voc (volts)        83.977       84.21370     84.1527              84.07935       83.9353      83.97019
   FF (%)          12.51586       26.7046     27.8457               29.0493       30.0569      30.94025

Fig. 6. Typical power curve with InGaP solar cell with           Fig. 7. Power conversion efficiency (PCE) of InAs/GaAs QD
various InAs QD layer counts.                                    solar cells as function of the number of QDs layers.

sponse of standard solar cell is low compared to the response
of the solar cell in the presence of QDs layers.

                   V. CONCLUSIONS                                Fig. 8. The spectral response as a function of wavelength.

In this study, the capabilities of (SILVACO Software) are
employed to modeled and simulated of InAs quantum dots
material to improve the characteristic parameters. The cre-
ation of a comprehensive data library of material parameters,
models with various settings are generated and simulated.
Several outcomes that attained are displayed and discussed.
First, inserting (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 layers) of InAs/GaAs QDs
into the p-i-n GaAs increases the power conversion efficiency
from 12.515% to 30.94%. Second, the absorption range edge
of photons with low energies is extended from (400 nm to 900
nm) by inserting multiple layers of InAs/GaAs QDs inside the
i-region of p-i-n GaAs. However, the results explained that
(QDs) technique give a significant value for different parame-
ters (FF, Jsc, Voc, and PCE) that increased and improve solar
cell operation. This study shows that (QD) solar cell are still
have some deficiencies and more advances are needed.
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