Page 243 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 243

239 |                                                                Ahmed, Alsaif & Algwari

Fig. 3. Quantum dot area in the modeled device, zoomed in.

                                                                     Fig. 5. Standard J-V curve with InGaP solar cell and various
                                                                     InAs QD layer counts.

    Fig. 4. Quantum dot sizes and one-layer QD barriers.             Table I displays the outcomes of the simulation for six differ-
                                                                     ent solar cells, where it can be seen that the efficiency, FF, and
          IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                 Jsc value for all poor. When one layer of InAs QD is inserted
                                                                     in the i-region, the values of Jsc, FF, and efficiency rise with a
The solar cell was replicated in this work at 300 K solar cell       minor increase in Voc. As the number of QD layers increased
and an AM1.5 light source based on (SILVACO Software).               to (5, 10, 15, and 20), the Jsc and efficiency rise as well. The
The results are compared with a previous study for Boqun             FF rises to 84.213% at QDs with 1-layer and keeps increasing
Dong [25]. Where the same structure is used, but the i-region        at 5, 10-layers while at 15, 20-layers, it decreases to 83.93%
at the previous study was variable with increasing the number        and 83.97%.
of quantum dots layers that were inserted into this region.          The J-V curves of both conventional solar cells and quantum
While in this work the i-region is kept constant with increas-       dots solar cells are displayed in Fig. 5 based on the outcomes
ing quantum dots layers. In the beginning, a typical p-i-n           of the simulation. The device’s absorption is increased with
GaAs solar cell was simulated, and the outcomes were noted.          the addition of more QDs layers, which accounts for the im-
The findings for the different added layers (1,5,10,15, and 20)      provement’s significance, especially in current density.
are then recorded for a p-i-n InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar             Fig. 6 shows the electrical power of standard p-i-n solar cell
cell simulation. To determine the degree of improvement hap-         and multi-layers (up to 20-layers) QDs solar cell. It can be
pened by the addition of quantum dots layers, a significant          seen that standard solar cell provides an electrical power of
solar cell parameters recorded of several parameters, includ-        12.52 pW/cm2. When starting to insert the first layer of QDs
ing a short circuit current, open circuit voltage, fill factor, and  in the i-region, the electrical power will increase to 26.714
conversion efficiency, are measured and compared.                    pW/cm2. It continuous to increase until it reaches 30.95
                                                                     pW/cm2 at 20-layers of QDs solar cell.
                                                                      While Fig. 7 illustrate increasing in power conversion ef-
                                                                     ficiency (PCE) from (5-20 layers), which values starts at
                                                                     (27.8457%) for (5- layers) and still increased to be (30.94025%)
                                                                     for (20-layers).
                                                                     The spectral response via wavelength are measures using sim-
                                                                     ulation capabilities as shown in Fig. 8. Fig 8 demonstrates
                                                                     that the conventional p-i-n solar cell’s spectral response does
                                                                     indeed converge to zero at wavelengths around 900 nm. Re-
                                                                     garding the solar cells that contain 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20-layers
                                                                     of quantum dots. Through Fig. 8, it can be noticed that the re-
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