Page 217 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 217

213 |                                                                                       Gochhait, Sharma & Bachute

                     TABLE III.                                                               TABLE V.

         PARAMETERS OF DELHI STATE                                            Layer                     Options
                                                                      sequenceInputLayer            ”Name”,”input”
       Parameter  Correlation Coefficient                             convolution1dLayer        11,96,’Padding’,’same’
       T2MWET           0.686474222                                batchNormalizationLayer
                        0.077530395                                                                          -
         RH2M           0.588813736                                         reluLayer                        -
         QV2M           0.022154842                                   convolution1dLayer       20,180,’Padding’,’same’
        WS10M           0.659413161                                batchNormalizationLayer                   -
          T2M           0.569944321                                                                          -
       T2MDEW                                                               reluLayer          30,300,’Padding’,’same’
                                                                      convolution1dLayer                     -
Effective data pre-processing is crucial for accurate load fore-   batchNormalizationLayer                   -
casting in power system management. Several steps are in-                                      32,320,’Padding’,’same’
volved in this process: Data Cleaning: This step involves                   reluLayer                        -
filling in missing values, removing noise, and detecting and re-      convolution1dLayer                     -
solving outliers and discrepancies within the dataset. An auto-    batchNormalizationLayer                  0.2
fill feature can be utilized to fill partial missing weather data                           100,’OutputMode’,’sequence’
using patterns or data from other cells. Data Transformation:               reluLayer                       0.1
Multiple files are integrated into a single usable format,and             dropoutLayer      105,’OutputMode’,’sequence’
attributes are scaled based on specific properties. After clean-           bilstmLayer                      0.2
ing the data and identifying correlations between datasets, the           dropoutLayer      110,’OutputMode’,’sequence’
final predictor’s dataset is created. Data Reduction: This step            bilstmLayer                      0.2
aims to reduce the number of attributes or sample data while              dropoutLayer                       1
capturing most of their properties. It helps prevent overfit-              bilstmLayer                       -
ting and improves the efficiency of load forecasting. Overall,            dropoutLayer
proper data pre-processing ensures reliable data and enhances        fullyConnectedLayer
the performance of regressions, ultimately improving power              regressionLayer
system management.
                                                                   loss onthe validation set is calculated using the current model
2) Data Set Training and Testing                                   status. It’s important to notethat the validation set does not
In the research, the focus lies on constructing and training a     impact the training process, enabling us to assess themodel’s
robust prediction model.This process includes training with        robustness on independent data. If the validation loss fails to
validation, which is crucial for ensuring a robust model. The      converge whilethe training loss does, it indicates the model
data frame obtained through feature engineering is divided         may suffer from overfitting or under fitting.The final step
into three sets:training, validation, and testing. Typically, the  involves prediction and evaluation, where we predict time
data is split with 70% for training, 20%for validation, and        series data and evaluate the results. The predictions are made
10% for testing. During the training phase, the prediction         using the previously developed model.

                             TABLE IV.                              In certain cases, the predicted features can be utilized to
COMPARISON OF WEATHER PARAMETER CORRELATIONS                       predict other features, forming the final target feature set.
                                                                   To achieve this, the dataset is updated with the predicted
                BETWEEN ODISHA AND DELHI                           values, and a new model is created for further predictions. One
                                                                   commonly used method for validation is holdout validation,
Parameter  Correlation Odisha  Correlation Delhi                   which is the sim- plest form of crossvalidation. In this method,
   T2M             0.1537             0.6594                       the data is randomly divided into two sets: the training set and
                   0.0889             0.5699                       the test/validation set (hold-out data). The model is trained on
T2MDEW             0.1305             0.6865                       the training dataset and evaluated on the test/validation dataset.
T2MWET            -0.0614             0.0775                       To assess the error on the validation dataset, various model
                   0.0948             0.5888                       evaluation techniques can be employed, such as mean squared
  RH2M             0.0981             0.0222                       error (MSE) for regression problems or metrics indicating the
  QV2M                                                             misclassification rate for classification problems. Typically,
 WS10M                                                             the training process utilizes a larger dataset than the hold-out
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